Club Notes Archive - 2006

- 7 February
The Aodh Ruadh club has two places available on a community employment scheme for the provision of coaching in the Aodh Ruadh club area including local schools. The standard CES eligibility criteria apply, it is hoped to fill the places in the next fortnight. Aodh Ruadh would welcome expressions of interest in these two posts which will continue until October 2006 from any GAA member from south Donegal or neighbouring counties, male or female, who would be interested in coaching any aspect of Gaelic Games. Futher information available from Tom Daly at 071 98 52595 after 7.30pm.
Thanks and well done to all who assisted in the staging of the Donegal v Leitrim match on Sunday. The organisation and condition of the grounds was complimented by both county board treasurer, Charlie Cannon and chairman, Charlie O'Donnell at Monday's county board meeting.
The position of reserve football team manager remains vacant, all expressions of interest to any member of the club executive.
There is training tomorrow, Friday, in the Mercy Hall. U-10s are training from 7pm to 8pm; u-12s from 8pm to 9pm and u-14s from 9pm to 10pm. Training for the u-16s takes place in the Mercy Hall on Monday from 7pm to 8pm. Training for the minors also takes place in the Mercy Hall on Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm.
Many thanks to all the helpers who gave a hand with the Bord na nÓg half-time draw at the Donegal v Leitrim last Sunday and made it such a success. Also, congratulations to Hugh Devenney of Laghey who won the €100 prize. Some pictures taken at the game can be viewed on the club website (, check under the 'What's New' heading.
An u-17 selection from Ballyshannon and Bundoran managed by Andrew McShea and John McEniff and playing under the illustrious St. Joseph's moniker will take on the schools from the Donegal Gaeltacht on Sunday. Venue to be announced.
Good luck to Colaiste Colmcille's u-14 and senior teams who will be contesting Ulster semi-finals this week against Belfast opposition.
The lotto jackpot has risen to €7,000, tickets on sale in all usual outlets. New county hurling managers have been announced at all grades from u-16 to senior, see county board notes for details.
- 14 February
The Aodh Ruadh club has two places available on a community employment scheme for the provision of coaching in the Aodh Ruadh club area including local schools. The standard CES eligibility criteria apply, it is hoped to fill the places in the next fortnight. Aodh Ruadh would welcome expressions of interest in these two posts which will continue until October 2006 from any GAA member from south Donegal or neighbouring counties, male or female, who would be interested in coaching any aspect of Gaelic Games. Futher information available from Tom Daly at 071 98 52595 after 7.30pm.
A club meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 22nd in Aras Aoidh Ruadh at 9pm, a full attendance is requested. On Thursday (February 23rd) of next week, a fixtures forum takes place in Jackson's Hotel at 8pm, proposed dates for adult fixtures for the forthcoming season are to be announced, all interested parties are welcome to attend.
The position of reserve football team manager remains vacant, all expressions of interest to any member of the club executive.
Registration takes place tomorrow night, Friday, for u-10, 12 and 14 players in Aras Aoidh Ruadh. Registration for u-10's takes place from 7-7.30pm; for u-12's from 7.30-8pm and for u-14's from 8-8.30pm. The cost of registration is €12 per player. It is extremely important that everyone who takes to the field for Aodh Ruadh is properly registered, no excuses accepted.
Congratulations to Colaiste Colmcille's u-14and senior teams who will triumphed in the Ulster semi-finals last week. The Ulster finals are due to be played in early March and our best wishes go all concerned.
A reminder that the club notes are available every single week on our website
A belated word of thanks to all who assisted in the staging of the Donegal v Leitrim match last Sunday week. The organisation and condition of the grounds was complimented by both county board treasurer, Charlie Cannon and chairman, Charlie O'Donnell at the recent county board meeting.
Many thanks to all the helpers who gave a hand with the Bord na nÓg half-time draw at the Also, congratulations to Hugh Devenney of Laghey who won the €100 prize. Some pictures taken at the game can be viewed on the club website (, check under the 'What's New' heading.