Club Notes Archive - 2010

- 6 December
The Aodh Ruadh CLG AGM has been postponed until Saturday 8th January at 5pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by the late postponement of the AGM last Saturday.~ HURLING ~
The inaugural AGM of the Aodh Ruadh Juvenile Hurling Committee was held on Wednesday last. The following positions were filled. Chairman: John Rooney; Vice-Chairman: Liam Coughlin; Secretary: Eddie Lynch; Assistant Secretary: Pauric Keenaghan; Under 8 management: Dennis Daly and Pauric Keenaghan; Under 10 management: Eddie Lynch and Chris Kelly; Under 12 management: Michael Ayres and Kevin McDermott; Under 14 management: John Rooney; Under 16 management: Peter Horan; Under 18 management: Kevin Loughlin, Stephen Sheerin and Liam Coughlin. The committee consists of all of the above plus Billy Finn, Jonathon Browne and Pat Faherty.A date for your diary. There will be a fund-raising table quiz in aid of Aodh Ruadh's Juvenile Hurling Committee in Owen Roes on Thursday, 16th December, a great nights crack is in store for all with lots of raffle prizes, please support.
Indoor underage training continues this Friday, 10th December for under 6s and under 8s in the Mercy Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 6pm to 7pm. Any child in junior infants to second class is welcome to attend and newcomers are encouraged to join. As always any coaches willing to give a hand are welcome to join in too. This will be the last session before Christmas.Indoor underage training has been concluded for under 10s, 12s and 13s for 2010 and will resume during mid-January. Keep an eye on club notes for more details nearer the time.
Indoor underage training has been concluded for 2010 and will resume during mid-January. Keep an eye on club notes for more details nearer the time.~ DATE FOR YOUR DIARY ~
Advance notice of the club dinner dance which will take place on Saturday 12th February in Dorrian's Imperial Hotel Ballyshannon. The 1986 and 1987 championship winning teams will be honoured on the night.~ BIG BAD INTERACTIVE FUN QUIZ ~
Want an excuse to get out of the house over Christmas? Aodh Ruadh are running a Big Bad Interactive YouTube Pub Quiz in Dicey Reilly's on Wednesday 29th December. It's a quiz Jim, but not as you know it. Using the big screens in Dicey there will be live action rounds on music, TV, Film, the world of advertising, we could go on, but let's not spoil the surprises. The emphasis will be very much on fun, craic and having a much needed laugh. We'll have big prizes on the night and some refreshing spot prizes to be won too. The action gets under way at 9pm, see you there!
- 14 December
There will be a fund-raising table quiz in aid of Aodh Ruadh's Juvenile Hurling Committee in Owen Roes on Thursday, 16th December. It promises to be a great nights fun and craic. There will be loads of raffle prizes, please support the final event of what has been a brilliant year for underage hurling in Aodh Ruadh.~ FOOTBALL ~
All indoor underage training has concluded for 2010 and will resume during mid-January. Keep an eye on club notes for more details nearer the time.~ BIG BAD INTERACTIVE FUN QUIZ ~
Want an excuse to get out of the house over Christmas? Aodh Ruadh are running a Big Bad Interactive YouTube Pub Quiz in Dicey Reilly's on Wednesday 29th December. It's a quiz Jim, but not as you know it. Using the big screens in Dicey there will be live action rounds on music, TV, Film, the world of advertising, we could go on, but let's not spoil the surprises. The emphasis will be very much on fun, craic and having a much needed laugh. We'll have big prizes on the night and some refreshing spot prizes to be won too. The action gets under way at 9pm, see you there!
The Aodh Ruadh CLG AGM will take place on Saturday 8th January at 5pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. Advance notice of the club dinner dance which will take place on Saturday 12th February in Dorrian's Imperial Hotel Ballyshannon. The 1986 and 1987 championship winning teams will be honoured on the night.
- 21 December
Want an excuse to get out of the house over Christmas? Aodh Ruadh are running a Big Bad Interactive YouTube Pub Quiz in Dicey Reilly's on Wednesday 29th December. It's a quiz Jim, but not as you know it. Using the big screens in Dicey there will be live action rounds on music, TV, film, the world of advertising, what happens next we could go on, but let's not spoil the surprises. The emphasis will be very much on fun, craic and having a much needed laugh. We'll have big prizes on the night and some refreshing spot prizes to be won too. The action gets under way at 9pm, see you there!~ HURLING ~
Many thanks to all who supported the table quiz on Thursday last in aid of Aodh Ruadh juvenile hurling committee. There was a great turn-out in spite of the poor weather and we raised €955. thanks to Belleek Pottery who donated four beautiful pieces of pottery for the winning team which were accepted by the winning captain John Magee. Thanks to the following businesses in Ballyshannon who sponsored the prizes for a very entertaining raffle: Novel Idea, Rooney's Butchers. Ballyshannon Hire Centre, Decor World, Abbey Garage, Sean Óg's, Kernan's Spar, Keown Carpets and Celtic Weave. Thanks also to the following businesses in Belleek who donated prizes The Dresser, Carlton Hotel, McGuiness Chemist, Gilmartin's Gift Shop, Moohan's, Clancy's, McGraths and Straddle Filling Station, Belleek Discount Store, and McMorrow's. Thanks also to Karl Duggan who did a great job as usual as quiz master. It was a great night of fun and a great finish to what has been a great year for underage hurling in the club, we would like to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and every good wish for 2011.~ OFF THE PITCH ~
Ronan Matthews was out with his camera this past week and got a couple of shots. One of Donegal Creameries' Susan Perry, Donagh Keon and Sean Perry as they put in a guest appearance at Mace last week. The second was a picturesque and panoramic shot of Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh on ice.~ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ~
The Aodh Ruadh CLG AGM will take place on Saturday 8th January at 5pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. Advance notice of the club dinner dance which will take place on Saturday 12th February in Dorrian's Imperial Hotel Ballyshannon. The 1986 and 1987 championship winning teams will be honoured on the night.~ YEAR BOOKS ~
Donegal GAA yearbooks priced at €15 each are currently on sale. Contact Sylvester Maguire, John Hughes or any club officer to secure your copy.~ SHOP LOCAL ~
Ballyshannon Business Chamber made the draw for Ballyshannon Shopping Bonanza Winners in Dorrian's Imperial Hotel last Sunday. We have a full list of the winners.~ SEASON'S GREETINGS ~
Aodh Ruadh wishes all associated with the club and everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community a happy, peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.