Club Notes Archive - 2010

- 1 February
Donegal take on Laois in Father Tierney Park on Sunday, February 14th and adverts for the programme are now available to purchase. A full page advert costs €90, half page €50 and quarter page €30. You can book your advert with Tom Daly, Terence McShea (087-2360815) or Peter Conlon (087-6838024).
There will be a meeting of the Park Committee this Wednesday 3rd February at 9pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh in preparation for the Laois game.
The Aodh Ruadh Park committee AGM took place recently in conjunction with the club AGM. Officers elected for 2010 are as follows: Chairman - Tom Daly, Secretary - Conal Gallagher, Assistant secretary - Peter Conlon, Joint Treasurers - Terence McShea and Jimmy Gallagher, Bingo treasurer - Cathal Gallagher. Among the highlights of the year were the hoisting of the club centenary flag by GAA president Nickey Brennan on February 28th and the official opening of Pairc Aoidh Ruaidh on May 29th. Tom also reported that in excess of half a million euro had been spent on the Pairc Aoidh Ruaidh Development to date. Among the challenges for 2010 would be the club generating matching funding for the significant external funding secured for the committee's development works.~ COACHING CORNER ~
This Saturday 6th February Tommy Stevenson will host a strength and conditioning workshop in the New School Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 11am to 1pm. Tommy is regarded as the leading national expert on strength training for GAA players and this visit is an opportunity not to be missed. All players, parents and coaches from the club are invited to attend. Very interesting information will also be given out on strength training for young players and ladies as well as information on diet and injury prevention. Any players taking part are expected to be at the hall for 10.30am. Any coaches / parents or players from other clubs are also encouraged to attend.~ FOOTBALL ~
Due to the workshop in the new school hall under 8 training will be outdoors next Saturday from 11am to 12 noon in the school field at Colaiste Cholmcille. Players are asked to bring a rain jacket and football boots. Well done to this week's player of the week, Harry Hareth. A special get well soon to one of our players, Diarmuid Dolan, from all involved.Under 6 Fundamentals continues this Friday evening from 6pm to 6.45pm in the Mercy hall. Well done to our star of the week, Pauric Daly. All newcomers from four to six years of age welcome.
Training is continuing frantically in Colaiste Cholmcille and Brian Drummond was up a few night taking shots of the good work being down. His first visit was to see the minors working off the Christmas turkey. His second was last Friday to see Aodh Ruadh's under 6s being put through their FUNdamental paces in the Mercy Hall by Simon Gillespie. Can you spot the county champions in the making yet?
There is a Céilí and Old Time Barn Dance in the Rock Hall, Ballyshannon on Saturday 6th February. Music by the renown Assaroe Céilí Band gets under way at 9.30pm and supper will be served. Admission is €8 with all proceeds in aid of Aodh Ruadh Bord na nÓg.
The following posts were filled at the recent inaugural meeting of the juvenile hurling committee: Chairman - John Rooney, Vice-Chairman - Aidan Begley, Secretary - Eddie Lynch, Assistant-Secretary - Jonathan Brown. Also appointed to the committee were Pat Faherty, Peter Horan, Kevin Loughlin, Kevin McDermott, Stephen Sheerin, Michael Ayres and Chris Kelly. Best wishes to all appointed and ádh mór for a successful 2010.~ LADIES ~
Senior Ladies training continues in the Mercy Hall on Saturday 6th Februay at 11am. There is a charge of €2 per head. There will also be training in Áras Aoidh Ruaidh on Tuesday evening at 7.30pm. This year's membership of €50 for adult players is also now due. Only fully paid members will be eligible to play. Registration forms can be downloaded from and an installment payment option is available. All new members will be made most welcome.Under 10 and under 12 training continues this Wednesday 3rd February in the New Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 6pm to 7pm. There is a charge of €2 per head. Please bring runners, no other footwear allowed.
The inaugural meeting of the Aodh Ruadh finance committee will take place this Thursday, 4th February at 9pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. Anyone with an interest in restoring the club to financial health and setting it on a sound fiscal footing is invited to attend, particularly anyone with a business background.~ VOTES OF SYMPATHY ~
There were votes of sympathy at the last Aodh Ruadh monthly club meeting for Mary Mulligan, The Mall; Patricia Breslin, Bundoran; Laurence Larkin, Father of John Larkin, Portumna; Lennie Dorrian, Cloughbolie; Declan Sweeney, Kilcar; Phyllis Foley, mother of Karol Foley; and Vincent Boyle, The Rock on the death of Mrs. Gray, Portnoo.~ REGISTRATION ~
Club membership for 2010 is now due and all club members are asked to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. The GAA has radically overhauled its membership system and this has meant some dramatic changes. The GAA membership year now runs from March 31st to April 1st. In order to be entitled to the rights of a full member, a person must have their fees paid to the club on a date before March 31st and be registered by the club on the online system in order to have a vote in the upcoming membership year.A few further points to note.
- Only fully registered players ON THE GAA ON-LINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM are allowed to take the field for the club. If your name is not in this system you are ineligible. That has repercussions in terms of insurance cover for injuries.
- Registration is an important component in meeting the running costs of the club.
- Only fully paid up members will be eligible for the draw for tickets to the football and hurling All Ireland finals.
- As per the motion passed at AGM, club membership will be displayed in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh.
Membership rates are as follows: Adult, €30; Adult Player (Includes insurance cover for the year), €50; Underage (Under 18 years-of-age) €15. Registration can be paid to Mary Matthews at Shannon's Corner, Ballyshannon. David O'Donnell in Mojo's is now also taking registrations. The club requires a fully completed club registration form with each fee. Sub-committees will also be organising registration sessions in the coming weeks. Members will receive a specially commissioned membership card and wallet when they submit their registration.
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- 8 February
Father Tierney Park hosts Donegal and Laois this coming Sunday, February 14th at 2.00pm in the National Football League. Stewards and programme sellers are asked to assemble in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 12.30pm. Bord na nÓg are running a half time draw and a large turnout of sellers is requested for 1.00pm. Limited advertising slots in the programme remain available to purchase. A full page advert costs €90, half page €50 and quarter page €30. You can book your advert with Tom Daly, Terence McShea (087-2360815) or Peter Conlon (087-6838024).~ COACHING CORNER ~
A free course entitled 'Fitness with the Football' takes place this Wednesday 10th February, 7.30pm at the Mid Ulster Sports Arena, Cookstown. Leitrim co-manager John Morrison is the tutor and this outdoor observation session will look at methods such as games/drills to improve fitness levels using the ball.Last Saturday Aodh Ruadh welcomed Armagh strength and conditioning coach Tommy Stevenson to the new hall at Colaiste Cholmcille. The workshop lasted from 11-1pm and proved to be a great experience for all those who participated. Amongst the topics included in the session were circuit training, pitch based strength training, diet and injury prevention. Using members of the Aodh Ruadh minor and under 16 squads as well as a number of unfortunate coaches Tommy was able to demonstrate the benefits of core and strength training to players from all age groups from our youngest u8s to our senior team players. There are pictures from the session on as well as links to videos of Tommy's drills.
Following on from the Ulster Council Coaching conference in Cookstown there are now a number of articles from the day available in the coaching corner section of the website. A presentation delivered by Paul Rouse and Ryan Mellon continues the theme of Core and Strength Conditioning for under 12s, under 14s and under 16s. An insight into Omagh St Enda's success where they won everything in Tyrone last year from under 14 to under 21 is given by Joe McMahon and Liam Grugan. Finally an insight into the life and times of four Time All Star Tony Scullion is available also. A video overview of proceedings is available at
Despite the bad weather our under 8s braved the elements and went outside on Saturday with the school hall being in use. Training will from now on be outdoors unless the weather is very bad, in which case we will go back indoors in the new school hall.A big well done to all our players who took part in under 6 training last Friday especially to our star of the Week Eoin Kelly. Training continues this Friday from 6pm to 6.45pm. All newcomers are most welcome.
Congratulations to Donna Martin who featured in Donegal's 4-12 to 3-4 win over Down in Donegal's division two opener.Senior Ladies training will take place Wednesday evening and Saturday evening at 7pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. This year's membership of €50 for adult players is also now due. Only fully paid members will be eligible to play. Registration forms can be downloaded from and an installment payment option is available. All new members will be made most welcome.
Under 10 and under 12 training continues this Wednesday, 10th February in the New Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 6pm to 7pm. There is a charge of €2 per head. Please bring runners, no other footwear allowed.
Club membership for 2010 is now due and all club members are asked to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. The GAA has radically overhauled its membership system and this has meant some dramatic changes. The GAA membership year now runs from March 31st to April 1st. In order to be entitled to the rights of a full member, a person must have their fees paid to the club on a date before March 31st and be registered by the club on the online system in order to have a vote in the upcoming membership year.A few further points to note.
- Only fully registered players ON THE GAA ON-LINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM are allowed to take the field for the club. If your name is not in this system you are ineligible. That has repercussions in terms of insurance cover for injuries.
- Registration is an important component in meeting the running costs of the club.
- Only fully paid up members will be eligible for the draw for tickets to the football and hurling All Ireland finals.
- As per the motion passed at AGM, club membership will be displayed in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh.
Membership rates are as follows: Adult, €30; Adult Player (Includes insurance cover for the year), €50; Underage (Under 18 years-of-age) €15. Registration can be paid to Mary Matthews at Shannon's Corner, Ballyshannon. David O'Donnell in Mojo's is now also taking registrations. The club requires a fully completed club registration form with each fee. Sub-committees will also be organising registration sessions in the coming weeks. Members will receive a specially commissioned membership card and wallet when they submit their registration.
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- 15 February
The monthly senior club meeting takes place on Thursday 25th February in Aras Aoidh Ruadh 8.30pm. All committee members are asked to attend. Anyone with items for the agenda is asked to mail them to FOOTBALL ~
The monthly Bord na nÓg meeting takes place on Tuesday 23rd February in Aras Aoidh Ruadh 9pm. All committee members are asked to attend.There will be no under 8 training this Saturday February 20th. Training will take place in Father Tierney Park the following Saturday, 27th February from 11am to 12 noon. Well done to this week's Player of the Week, Jake Foley. Players are asked to bring their registration form back to the next training session on Saturday, 27th February. Check out for a few shots of the lads being put through their paces at last week's session.
Due to the mock exams taking place in the Mercy Hall there will be no under 6 training until Friday, March 6th. Well done to this week's Star of the Week, Declan Kavanagh. Players are asked to bring their registration form to the next night of training - Friday, March 6th.
Huge thanks are due to all those who turned out to help out at the Donegal v Laois National League fixture last Sunday. There was no winner of the €100 prize in the half-time draw. The winning number was 2184. If you happen to have won please and have retained your stub, please contact John Hughes at 087-6431805 to arrange payment. If no claim has been made by midnight, Sunday 21st, the prize will be donated to charity.Our visual laureate, Brian Drummond, was at the game. Check out some of the shots he got of the action on
The Foundation Coaching Course will take place on Friday and Saturday 26th and 27th February. The Child Protection course will take place at 7pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh on Friday evening while the coaching course will begin at 10am on Saturday in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. All managers, coaches, mentors and helpers who haven't yet done the Foundation Coaching Course must attend this course.~ HURLING ~
Underage hurling training for under 8s to under 14s begins at 12 noon on Sunday 7th March. All players welcome, especially beginners. Notes will be distributed through the local schools in the coming weeks along with registration forms which can be returned when training starts.The fourth annual Hurl-a-thon will be held in the Mercy Hall on Saturday 27th March, 2010 from 10am to 10pm. Watch out for further details nearer the event.
Well done to Donna Martin who lined out for Donegal in their league encounter against Armagh in Carrickcruppen last Sunday.Senior Ladies training will take place Wednesday evening and Saturday evening at 7pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. This year's membership of €50 for adult players is also now due. Only fully paid members will be eligible to play. Registration forms can be downloaded from and an installment payment option is available. All new members will be made most welcome.
Under 10 and under 12 training continues this Wednesday, 17th February in the New Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 6pm to 7pm. There is a charge of €2 per head. Please bring runners, no other footwear allowed.
Club membership for 2010 is now due and all club members are asked to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. The GAA has radically overhauled its membership system and this has meant some dramatic changes. The GAA membership year now runs from March 31st to April 1st. In order to be entitled to the rights of a full member, a person must have their fees paid to the club on a date before March 31st and be registered by the club on the online system in order to have a vote in the upcoming membership year.A few further points to note.
- Only fully registered players ON THE GAA ON-LINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM are allowed to take the field for the club. If your name is not in this system you are ineligible. That has repercussions in terms of insurance cover for injuries.
- Registration is an important component in meeting the running costs of the club.
- Only fully paid up members will be eligible for the draw for tickets to the football and hurling All Ireland finals.
- As per the motion passed at AGM, club membership will be displayed in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh.
Membership rates are as follows: Adult, €30; Adult Player (Includes insurance cover for the year), €50; Underage (Under 18 years-of-age) €15. Registration can be paid to Mary Matthews at Shannon's Corner, Ballyshannon. David O'Donnell in Mojo's is now also taking registrations. The club requires a fully completed club registration form with each fee. Sub-committees will also be organising registration sessions in the coming weeks. Members will receive a specially commissioned membership card and wallet when they submit their registration.
- View/Download registration form.
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- 22 February
The monthly senior club meeting takes place on Thursday 25th February in Aras Aoidh Ruadh 8.30pm. All committee members are asked to attend.~ FOOTBALL ~
The monthly Bord na nÓg meeting takes place on Tuesday 23rd February in Aras Aoidh Ruadh 9pm. All committee members are asked to attend.Many thanks to everyone who submitted their registrations at last Friday's under 10 and under 12 training. There are pictures of the registration, the under 10 training and the under 12 training now up on
Under 8 training resumes this Saturday at 11am in the new school hall or school field. Please note the change of venue, training will NOT now take place in Father Tierney Park.
There is no under 6 training again this Friday night with the Mercy hall still in use for mock exams. Training will resume Friday, 5th March at 6pm in the Mercy hall.
The Foundation Coaching Course will take place this Saturday, 27th February. Coaches are asked to be at the Aras Aodh Ruadh to start for 9.30am sharp. The practical element of the course will take place in the new school hall at Colaiste Cholmcille. Please bring a pen and paper and a USB stick to take notes. The child protection course has been changed to Friday, 19th March at 6.30pm in Aras Aodh Ruadh and not this Friday night as originally planned.~ HURLING ~
Well done to Aidan Begley and Peter Horan who were part of the Donegal panel who beat Tyrone in the opening game of Donegal's National League campaign last Sunday.Underage hurling training for under 8s to under 14s begins at 12 noon on Sunday 7th March. All players welcome, especially beginners. Notes will be distributed through the local schools in the coming weeks along with registration forms which can be returned when training starts.
The fourth annual Hurl-a-thon will be held in the Mercy Hall on Saturday 27th March, 2010 from 10am to 10pm. Watch out for further details nearer the event.
Senior Ladies training will take place Wednesday evening at 7pm and Saturday evening at 5.30pm. Please bring outdoor gear. Membership must be paid in full to Karol Foley by Saturday March 13th. Registration forms can be downloaded from and only fully paid up members will be allowed to play. All new members will be made most welcome.Under 10 and under 12 training continues this Wednesday, 17th February in the New Hall at Colaiste Cholmcille from 6pm to 7pm. There is a charge of €2 per head. Please bring runners, no other footwear allowed.