Club Notes Archive - 2020

- 2 June
Coaching corner
Tony Scullion will be talking coaching with Conor Laverty at 7.30pm on Wednesday in this week's Ulster GAA Webinar. Laverty was a star for Kilcoo winning eight senior championship medals and an Ulster title with his club, and is Monaghan senior team coach. Topics will include: Developing a successful club / school link; Coaches who have influenced his development; How to balance coaching and playing; Evolving as a coach over the years; Integrating successful minors into a very successful senior squad. Go to the Ulster GAA website to register for this webinar.Club newsletter
The May edition of the GAA Club Newsletter has gone live and is, once again, packed with news and information for club officers, players and members. Some of the areas covered this month include: The Association's latest efforts in the fight against coronavirus; Information on a landmark new Gaelic games coaching survey; Health and Wellness for GAA club members; Coaching and skills drills; Injury prevention; GAA Museum's online initiatives; Information on the GAA's new games system, club dashboard, child safeguarding, virtual Scór and much more.Family life feeling stressful?
Many of us are spending more time about home than usual. Issues such as money worries, home schooling, relationships, online safety, managing routines and boundaries, childcare problems, challenging behaviour, grief, bored teens, sleep issues, co-parenting, social distancing, and increased screen time among others can impact our mental well-being. If any of these issues are causing you anxiety the Donegal Parent Support Line can offer a listening ear. They can be contacted at freephone 1800 11 22 77 from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.Ireland's Fittest Family
Ireland's Fittest Family is seeking entries for their next series. If your clan would like to take up the challenge, visit: or call 085 837 5387 for more information.Health, safety and security of club property
From May 18th with the easing of restrictions on outdoor work and construction our grounds have become a workplace again, with some of our workers back. The return of our workers has allowed us start to deal with a significant backlog of maintenance works due to the absence of help for the past few months. A good start has been made and it is good to see people back working. The lockdown of our club grounds and buildings continues until further notice. The National Ambulance Service continue to use Aras Aoidh Ruaidh for staff training purposes. The Park / Development Committee has a rota of seven members in place who do a full daily check on all of our facilities, during the current lock-down. We appreciate their voluntary time and input. If any issues arise in relation to our facilities during this time please make direct contact with Tom Daly, David McLoone or Conal Gallagher.Aodh Ruadh lotto
Many thanks for everyone who helped to sell tickets this week, and if more club members could sell a couple each week it would be much appreciated. Even though we are closed there are still monthly outgoings which need to be covered. There was no winner of last week's Aodh Ruadh Lotto jackpot of €2,400. The winning numbers drawn were 1, 3, 5, 9, 13 and 17. In the lucky dip €25 went to Philip McLoone and Olivia Magee. The next draw is for a jackpot of €2,500 on Sunday at 8pm. Given the on-going guidance on social distancing we encourage club members to play the lotto online at The usual lotto envelopes can however also be obtained in Kernan's Spar and Pearse O'Neill's. Just leave the ticket in the shop and these will be collected prior to the weekly draw. The club appreciates all support members can offer during this ongoing pandemic.We're here to help
If you find yourself needing assistance - be it collecting and delivering groceries, prescriptions or any other such daily essentials, just let us know and we can arrange help. It doesn’t matter if you are not a member of the club. Contact us on 1800 928 982.
- 9 June
Safe return to Gaelic games
The GAA and LGFA have published a plan for a safe return to Gaelic games. It offers a route back to competitive activity, subject to the government timelines being achieved. It is broken down into sections covering the following areas: Medical advice; Preparing for a safe return; Information for players and team personnel; and a road map for return to activity. Broadly speaking the road map looks something like this. As part of the return strategy we will need to roll out an online education programme and new measures around temperature checking and complete some essential documentation before training and games. There will be gradual return to on-field non-contact activity in small groups commencing in Phase Three of the Government's plan, currently projected for Monday June 29th. The club will be managing this process with teams returning on a phased basis from this point forward. We hope to see contact sport return in Phase Four, Monday July 20th, with all forms of team and group training permitted. This should then be followed by a resumption of club competitions for all cohorts from Friday July 31st.As ever, Aodh Ruadh, are following Croke Park's guidance closely. The club executive are currently going through plans and will be in touch with managers, parents and players over the course of the next week. We all want to get back on the pitch and playing the games we love, but it is vital this is done in the right way and steered by best practice. To ensure this happens, training and games will be managed very closely over the coming months. Managers will have a significantly increased workload. Players will have to comply with regulations which are aimed at protecting the welfare of the whole community. Spectators and supporters will also have to play their part too. It is essential that all parties recognise that these measures being introduced are for the common good, and comply with them fully and promptly. If we all play our part now, the sooner we can hope to return to something approaching normality.
The full document produced by the GAA on the Safe Return to Gaelic Games is available to view / download on
Managing access to facilities
Our grounds remain on lockdown for now, but significant work is on-going to have everything in order for the phased resumption of some club activity later in the month. Over the coming period the various units in the club will work together to see how the GAA's advice to return to activity on a staggered basis can be implemented. The prospect of resumed activity will create a lot of expectation. However there are significant challenges ahead in organising all of this in a way that complies with GAA and Health Authority requirements. Considerable additional volunteer effort will be needed in order to deliver a safe programme of activity and each unit within the club will have a role to play. There will be further internal discussion on these matters over the coming days.Grounds maintenance
We have a very active maintenance programme in place during lockdown. Although without our workers for several weeks, they have made their presence felt since the Community Employment Scheme resumed last month. Discussions are taking place with the officers of the Park / Development Committee this week on the resumption of the Rural Social Scheme. It’s suspension in March put a stop on the pre-construction works we had commenced in advance of the resurfacing of Father Tierney Park. A deferral of new GAA project starts is one of the unfortunate side-effects of the pandemic.Green shoots
It’s great to see our town starting to reopen for business this week. With unpredictable economic times ahead it has never been more important to support all the local businesses. We all want to see things returning to normal and our town up and running again. Please support local when you can. We are all in this together.Coaching corner
This week's Ulster GAA Webinar focuses on games and activities to improve scoring and defensive opportunities. Tony Scullion will present a webinar consisting of a number of video and animated games and activities in a football context which can be used to improve these aspects of the game for your squad. The content can be used for all codes and is suitable for players from under 12 to senior. The webinar runs from 7.30pm this Wednesday. Go to the Ulster GAA website to register. Registration will close at 5pm on Wednesday.
There are also two upcoming LGFA webinars which may also be of interest. The first is this Tuesday at 7.30pm and is a coaching question and answer webinar with Michael Dempsey and Brian Cuthbert. The second is on Thursday at 7.30pm and is a coaching webinar with Barry Horgan. You can register for those webinars at
The LGFA have their latest newsletter live online. It looks at the latest updates on safe return to play, interviews with some of the top stars of the inter-county game, the launch of a landmark Gaelic Games coaching survey, as well as the latest webinars on offer from the LGFA. Well worth a read.Image gallery
We had some issues with the image gallery on in 2018 which necessitated a switch in gallery software. Until recently some 450 galleries were still being served by the out-dated gallery software. However, over lock-down a clean up project was undertaken which has seen all galleries brought into the new gallery software. This provides a superior experience in very many respects and is searchable - up to a point. It's great to have all the images back under one roof, over 32,000 in total, the product of so much work by great club volunteers, keeping priceless memories alive. Why not have a look back through them now?Aodh Ruadh lotto
Many thanks for everyone who helped to sell tickets this week. Thanks also to Catherine McKee who is turning the lotto draw into a epic production. Check out the Aodh Ruadh CLG Facebook for the draw if you haven't seen it yet, it's hilarious! Even though we are closed there are still monthly outgoings which need to be covered. There was no winner of last week's Aodh Ruadh Lotto jackpot of €2,500. The winning numbers drawn were 3, 5, 11, 12, 14 and 15. In the lucky dip €25 went to Oisin Rooney and Hazel Travers. The next draw is for a jackpot of €2,600 on Sunday at 8pm. Given the on-going guidance on social distancing we encourage club members to play the lotto online at The usual lotto envelopes can however also be obtained in Kernan's Spar and Pearse O'Neill's. Just leave the ticket in the shop and these will be collected prior to the weekly draw. The club appreciates all support members can offer during this ongoing pandemic.
- 16 June
Safe return to Gaelic games
Progress continues apace towards a return of GAA activity. The main event this week will be the launch of a Covid-19 club education programme to guide the safe return to Gaelic games activities. The programme will be delivered in stages with the initial offering focusing on Covid supervisors and club officers. Stage one of training involves a club briefing via webinar on Tuesday June 16th at 6pm to explain the role of Covid supervisors and club officers. That will be followed by the launch of a certified eLearning module covering the main aspects of the guidelines and roles of all stakeholders. Players, team personnel, Covid supervisors, and parents / guardians must complete this module, which will go live on Thursday 18th June. Aodh Ruadh will be publishing links for this module on all our social media output. Covid supervisors will have to be appointed and have completed the eLearning module prior to 29th June.Some key points to note at this stage are as follows. Clubs will not be expected to record the temperatures of players. Adult players and parents / guardians of underage players will be required to complete an online health questionnaire once prior to their return to GAA activity. Adult players and parents / guardians of underage players will then be asked to affirm before each training session or game, that their health status has not changed.
Meanwhile, the County Board and Coiste na nÓg are working on a fixture schedule for underage and adult football and hurling. The plan is to present a proposal to clubs for consideration within the next week or so.
Looking further ahead, from Monday 29th June, teams will be able to train in groups of 12, including players, mentors and Covid supervisor. There are discussions ongoing to decide whether this will be increased to 15, which will bring it in line with Government guidelines. This will be non-contact training only. The return of teams to training will be on a phased basis to take account of the training spaces available. When club plans are further advanced arrangements for booking and managing the clubs facilities will be confirmed by our Park / Development Committee.
Phase four will commence on Monday 20th July and will see clubs teams return to contact training, which may include training games and challenge games. All dressing rooms and meeting rooms will remained closed until Monday 10th August. Club competitions will commence on Friday 31st July.
The GAA is maintaining a constantly updated online resource at with all the latest public health advice and information.
Aodh Ruadh lotto
Many thanks for everyone who helped to sell tickets this week and those who purchased online. There was no winner of last week's Aodh Ruadh Lotto jackpot of €2,600. The winning numbers drawn were 4, 5, 6, 9, 12 and 13. In the lucky dip €25 went to Ronan Matthews and Angela Gallagher. The next draw is for a jackpot of €2,700 on Sunday at 8pm. Given the on-going guidance on social distancing we encourage club members to play the lotto online at The usual lotto envelopes can however also be obtained in Kernan's Spar and Pearse O'Neill's. Just leave the ticket in the shop and these will be collected prior to the weekly draw. The club appreciates all support members can offer during this ongoing pandemic.
- 23 June
Safe return to Gaelic games
With the announcement that club pitches will re-open this week it is essential that all participants, especially adult players, parents / guardians of underage players and team personnel,complete the online eLearning module and retain a copy of their certificate of completion. In addition, one of the key control measures put in place as part of a Safe Return to Gaelic Games is a health questionnaire. Adult players, parents / guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to complete the online health questionnaire once prior to their return to GAA activities. Using the same system, adult players, parents / guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to declare, before each training session or game, that their health status has not changed. The online system for the health questionnaire will go live tomorrow, Tuesday June 23rd. We will be circulating the link for this via our usual social media channels. This is the only system that should be used. Additional information, including demonstrations on how to use the online system is available at The return of teams to training will be on a phased basis to take account of the training spaces available. When club plans are further advanced arrangements for booking and managing the clubs facilities will be confirmed by our Park / Development Committee.Re-opening of grounds
In line with recent GAA policy Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh will re-open this week for pre-arranged and pre-booked adult training sessions. Fixed point sanitisers will be in place for individual use. Team managements will deal with the care and disinfecting of equipment assisted by their designated covid officer. Work is progressing on developing a schedule for the return of youth team training on a phased basis. Current GAA policy requires that buildings must remain closed. A major programme of maintenance works is underway at Father Tierney Park. Pre-construction works to support the plans to provide a new playing surface in Father Tierney Park should resume with the return of our RSS workers this week. In the current climate there is no access for vehicles to either of our grounds.Club executive meeting
There will be a meeting of the club executive in the Rock Hall this Thursday at 9pm. All executive committee members are asked to attend.Condolences
We extend our sympathies to the family of Peggy Slevin, Tir Conaill Street, Ballyshannon. Peggy was wife of past club chairman and secretary Sean Slevin (RIP). Proud mother of Mary, Leo, and Paula, she was predeceased by her son Sean and daughter Una, RIP. Deeply regretted by her son and her daughters; her sons-in-law Aidan, Mark, and Mick; daughters-in-law Patricia and Kate; sister Pauline McHugh, Glenties; grandchildren Rory, Cathal, Ciaran, Michael, Shauna, Dearbhla, Donagh, Aoife, Niamh, Niall; great-grandchildren Evie, Cara, Katie; nephews, nieces and entire family circle. Due to HSE guidelines, Peggy's home, funeral Mass and cemetery will be private to family. Peggy's funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday in Saint Patrick's, Ballyshannon, at 11am, followed by burial in Saint Patrick's Cemetery, Belleek. Family flowers only. Those who wish to offer their condolences can do so by email to Mass can be viewed on: also extend our sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of Detective Garda Colm Horkan who tragically lost his life in the course of his duties in Castlerea last week.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal.
80 not out!
Best birthday wishes to our club President Owen Roe O'Neill who celebrated his 80th birthday over the weekend.Donna doing it for the Leukaemia Trust
We wish ex-senior player Donna Martin the very best of luck with her 500km challenge in aid of the Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust. She is absolutely flying and we ask club members to support this great cause by donating at corner
Ulster GAA host a webinar this Wednesday at 7.30pm featuring a number of video and animated games and activities which can be used to improve handling and decision making with your squads. The content is suitable for all our codes and players from under 12 to senior. Register prior to the webinar at health resource
We wish to bring to your attention a text based HSE funded mental health service launched last week. 50808 is the first of its kind for Ireland, a free 24 / 7 text service, providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support for people going through a mental health or emotional crisis. Crisis volunteers are available 24 / 7 for anonymous text conversations. The aim is to provide immediate support in the short term and connect people to resources that will help them in the future.Aodh Ruadh lotto
Many thanks for everyone who helped to sell tickets this week and those who purchased online. There was no winner of last week's Aodh Ruadh Lotto jackpot of €2,700. The winning numbers drawn were 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. In the lucky dip €25 went to Johnny Gallagher and KJ Graham. The next draw is for a jackpot of €2,800 on Sunday at 8pm. Given the on-going guidance on social distancing we encourage club members to play the lotto online at The usual lotto envelopes can however also be obtained in Kernan's Spar and Pearse O'Neill's. Just leave the ticket in the shop and these will be collected prior to the weekly draw. The club appreciates all support members can offer during this ongoing pandemic.
- 30 June
Training schedule
Based on information provided by the various units within the club, the Park / Development Committee has put together the schedule outlined below. Given the number of teams being looked after, sessions will have to start and finish promptly. Club buildings remain closed for now in line with GAA policy. Managed access to toilet facilities will be overseen by the Covid Officer present at each session. Slots for under 18 hurling and under 8 girls coaching have yet to be finalised. The session times outlined below are subject to change later in July when official fixtures commence and both Father Tierney Park and Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh may be required for games simultaneously. The objective now is to provide fair access for all teams to get all codes and age-groups restarted after the enforced lay-off.Monday
4.30pm: Under 16 / Under 18 boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
6pm: Under 14 Girls - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
7pm: Under 16 / Under 18 Ladies - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
8pm: Senior Ladies - Páirc Aoidh RuaidhTuesday
5pm: Under 14 / Under 16 Hurling - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
5.45pm: Under 10 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh -Top field
7pm: Under 12 girls - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
7pm: Senior Football - Páirc Aoidh RuaidhWednesday
4.30pm: Under 16 / Under 18 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
5.45pm: Under 14 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
6pm: Under 8 Girls - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
7pm: Under 10 Girls - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
7pm: Reserve Football - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
8pm: Senior Hurling - Páirc Aoidh RuaidhThursday
5pm: Under 14 / Under 16 Hurling - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
5.45pm: Under 10 boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
7pm: Senior Football - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
7.15pm: Under 14 Girls - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top fieldFriday
6pm: Under 6 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top field
6.15pm: Under 8 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
8pm: Senior Hurling - Páirc Aoidh RuaidhSaturday
10am: Senior Football - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
12 noon: Under 12 Boys - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
7pm: Reserve Football - Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Top fieldRemaining sessions will be confirmed in next week's club notes. As we go to press details are emerging of official fixtures schedules. Pitch bookings will be arranged separately in the coming weeks as a fuller picture emerges.
Sanitising stations at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh
There are three sanitising stations within the grounds at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh, where training and coaching activity recommenced in recent days and will build up over the coming week to ten days as more age groups are catered for. The stations are located on the external wall of the toilet block and at the stiles on both sides of the main entrance.Support local businesses in phase three
Phase three sees many businesses back open for the first time in many weeks. A lot of work and effort has been put into meeting the requirements of maintaining public health and safety by staff in our local businesses, and we hope all will respect the guidelines set out as we slowly plot a path back to normality. We extend our very best wishes to all those businesses in town and surrounding areas reopening this week. We also urge all club members to make a special effort to shop local. Remember, it is the local businesses who support this club and community, not the big corporations of this world.