Club Notes Archive - 2006

- 14 November
Gweedore's defeat of Malin on Sunday last effectively spelled the end of the road for our senior footballers with our chances of making a league semi-final being dashed. A sincere word of thanks to PJ McGowan and Peter Gallagher who put in a huge amount of effort and made a lot of personal sacrifice to manage our senior team in 2006.
Officer's reports for the club AGM are now overdue, club secretary, Alan Sweeny is awaiting return of same to as soon as possible. The AGM gets underway at 6pm on December 2nd.
The AGM of the Hurling committee takes place this Saturday 18th November in Aras Aodh Ruadh at 7 o clock sharp. Newcomers very welcome.
This week's quiz in Owen Roes on Thursday night (November 16th) is in aid of the Aodh Ruadh ladies football team. Teams of four welcome, a great night of entertainment guaranteed with quality prizes on offer. Please support.
Winter training is underway for footballers planning to play underage for the club next year this Friday in the Mercy Hall. U-8s train from 7pm to 8pm; u-10s train from 8pm to 9pm and u-12s train from 9pm -10pm.
A number of underage management positions will be vacant in the New Year. This represents a great opportunity for people interested in a particularly rewarding form of public activity to get involved with training and developing young people. Don't worry if you feel you don't have the necessary qualifications to take on the job. The club provides courses on coaching, first aid and child protection that should give any potential manager a great start in their career. If you think you would like to become involved in the underage setup, in whatever capacity, please come along to the Bord na nÓg AGM on Thursday 16th November a 8.30pm in Aras Aoidh Ruadh. You will be made most welcome.
- 28 November
The club AGM takes place this Saturday evening at Aras Aoidh Ruadh at 6pm. A full attendance of all club members is requested to discuss future developments in the club as we approach our centenary year in 2009. Nominations close on Wednesday evening, November 29th. All officer and team manager reports should have been e-mailed to Alan Sweeny at this stage.
The club would like to wish Mick McGrath well on his recent retirement from inter-county refereeing. Our Scor na nOg quiz team suffered a heartbreaking defeat in Glenfin on Sunday evening last when a last round comeback by Carndonagh denied them another county title and a chance to defend their Ulster title.