Club Notes Archive - 2017

- 5 December
Aodh Ruadh AGM
The Aodh Ruadh AGM took place on Sunday in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. There were over 30 present as we looked back on a successful 2017 and made plans for the coming season. With promotion to division 1 for the senior footballers, an impressive haul of underage silverware in football, hurling and ladies, it was another good a year to look back on for the club. Detailed reports were submitted by all sub-committees and those were followed by an address from Club President, Owen Roe O'Neill. He looked back over the year and paid tribute to what he described as a thriving club. He praised the dedication and commitment of all involved in club activities over the course of the year as well as those who promoted our games in the local national schools and in Colαiste Cholmcille. He congratulated the Park Committee on another year of impressive work providing first rate facilities. The President concluded his address by remembering all those associated with the club in any way who had passed away over the course of 2016. Chairman Gerard Ferguson, made a brief address before the AGM proceeded to the election of officers with the following posts being filled. Patrons: Father Ó Fearrai; President: Owen Roe O'Neill; Vice Presidents: Peter Conlon, PJ Buggy, John Magee, Michael McLoone, Tom Gallagher, John Murphy and Alan Kane; Chairman: Gerard Ferguson; Vice-Chairman: Tom Daly; Secretary: Lisa McTernan; Assistant Secretary: Ronan Drummond; Treasurer Catherine McKee; Assistant Treasurer: Sarah Daly; PRO: John Hughes; Oifigeach na Gaeilge: Alan Sweeny; Substitute County Board Delegates: John Travers and Tom Daly; Health and Well-being Officer: Gerard Ferguson; Child Protection Officer: John Travers; Director of Coaching: Brian Roper.The Park Committee AGM was also held at the club AGM, with the following officer posts being filled. Chairman: Tom Daly; Secretary: Conal Gallagher; Assistant Secretary: Peter Conlon; Treasurer: David McLoone; Bingo Treasurer: Cathal Gallagher; PRO: Michael Daly.
Motions were then considered with the following motions being passed: Motion one that any team requiring a bus to travel to an away game seek the permission of the treasurer and that each player travelling pay 5. Motion two that the decision to enter or withdraw adult and under 21 teams in hurling competitions rests with the Club Committee.
A successful Bord na nÓg AGM took place last Wednesday at 8.30pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. Reports were delivered on a very active year on the pitch and appointments were made for the 2018 season. All positions were filled on the night as follows. Chairman, David O'Donnell; Secretary, Lisa McTernan; Under 6 management, Packie McGrath, Ivan O'Mahony and Liam Hassett; Under 8 management Damian Conlon and Niall McCready; Under 10 manager William Doogan with the assistance of Paul Sheridan, Seamus Roper and Nicolas Barton; Under 12 management Paul Gillespie and David O'Donnell, Under 14 manager, Alan Sweeny; Under 16 manager, Kerry Ryan; Under 18 manager Raymie Granaghan with the assistance of Peter McKenna. We wish all those appointed all the very best for next season.Hurling
The Juvenile Hurling Annual Fun Christmas Quiz takes place in Owen Roes Thursday 14th December always a great night of craic starting at 9.30pm.Inter-county Season Tickets
Season Ticket pricing for 2018 has been confirmed by Croke Park. Adult Club+ season tickets are price 200. Adult season tickets are 120. Juvenile season tickets are 30. As in the season just past, The Club+ season ticket allows the owner to attend club fixtures within the chosen county. The grades and codes of club fixtures covered by the Club+ element of the ticket are determined by the individual county. Once the season ticket is correctly maintained throughout the season, the Club+ version will also guarantee the ticket holder an All-Ireland Final ticket should their county qualify, regardless of their attendance percentage. Clubs will receive 100 for every Club+ season ticket purchased by club members. Renewals and sales are now live.Abbey Centre Bingo
Last week's 400 bingo jackpot was won by Bernie Price of Kinlough. Tom Ayres took the stand up prize of 150. The new winter snowball is up and running and rises to 225 on 45 numbers or less. Bingo as usual this Friday at the Abbey Centre at 9pm, books cost just 10 with a 1,900 prize fund up for grabs.Festive Lotto Prizes
Aodh Ruadh have teamed up with McCosker's Centra and Kernan's Spar to bring our loyal lotto players some seasonal cheer. We have 10 Christmas vouchers worth 30 and two hampers filled with goodies sponsored by Spar and Centra to give away. Lotto tickets bought in the week commencing Monday 4th will be entered in a draw for the hampers on Sunday 10th.
- 12 December
County Convention
Pride of place this week goes to our own Mick McGrath who became only the third Ballyshannon man to be elected chairman of Donegal County Board. He was elected unopposed as successor to Sean Dunnion. The honour comes after years of service to the county in various capacities. The post of chairman is a considerable responsibility in the modern GAA, but no better man than Mick for the job and we're proud to have him helming the county's administration. Well done also to David McLoone, County Development Officer, who presented a lucid roadmap to the completion of the County Training Centre in Convoy, and to Referees' Administrator Shane Toolan who reflected on a year where despite only have 42 active referees, only one game was not played due to lack of officials.Hurling
The AGM of the Aodh Ruadh Juvenile Hurling committee took place last Monday. A small but enthusiastic crowd reviewed 2017 and made plans for 2018. Another tough year is in store for 2018, but as always the small hard core of workers will do all in their power to keep underage hurling alive in our club. The following positions were filled on the night were as follows. Chairman, John Rooney; Assistant Chairman, John Larkin; Secretary, Denis Daly; Assistant Secretary, Lorraine Duffy; Lotto Co-ordinator, Teresa Maguire; Under 8 Management, Liam Mealiff, Damien Conlan and others to be appointed; Under 10 Management, Peter Horan, Gregory Gallagher, Paul Sheridan and Mark Sheerin; Under 12 Management, Daithi Breen and Kieran Daly; Under 14 Management, Denis Daly and Daithi Breen; Under 16 Management, John Rooney, Peter Horan and Mike Lynch. A meeting of minors will take place in January to see if we are able to field.This Thursday sees the Juvenile Hurling Annual Fun Quiz in Owen Roes starting at 9.30 pm. Always a great nights fun with lots of raffle prizes to be won. Gather up a team and come along for the craic!
Big Bad and Back
Come to Dicey Reilly's on Thursday December 28th for some festive craic as Aodh Ruadh's Big Bad Interactive YouTube Pub Quiz comes blazing back. Using the big screens in Dicey's there will be five live action rounds on comedy, advertising, music, what happens next and a name that year round. The quiz gets rolling at 9pm and we'll have big prizes on the night and loads of great spot prizes to be won. All funds go to support the work of Aodh Ruadh.Bumper Christmas Bingo
This Friday is our Bumper Christmas Bingo, with a night of real treats in store and a cash prize fund of 2,800. There will be two 500 jackpot games which must be won on the night, plus each line prize is 40 and house prizes will range from 100 to 150. The winter snowball will play for 250 on 45 numbers. We also have terrific spot prizes to give away with a total value of 600, including a turkey, meal, fuel, picture framing and meat vouchers, drinks bottles and sweet treats, as well as a pair of tickets to the 2018 Rory Gallagher festival. Many thanks to all our generous local spot prize sponsors, Rooney's Butchers, E&J Oil, The Limit, Ballyshannon Coal, Thomas Gallagher picture framing, Spar, Abbey Garage, Bridgend Bar, Owen Roe's Bar, McCaffrey Quarries, Febvre Wines and Centra. Please shop local this Christmas. Of course Cuddles will be sent home with someone in time for Christmas as well! First game at 9pm at the Abbey Centre, books priced 15 for full book or 8 for the half book, or get the book and a half special for just 20. Wear your Christmas hat and jumper, it's sure to be a great night!Abbey Centre Bingo
Last week's 400 bingo jackpot was won by James Monaghan of Pettigo. Teresa Campbell of Ballyshannon won the stand up prize of 115. There was no claim on the snowball prize of 225.Reasons to shop local this Christmas
Ballyshannon Business Chamber would like to thank the under 13 girls county champions who turned on the town's Christmas lights last Saturday. Our Christmas shopping bonanza is now underway with many prizes in businesses throughout the Town. There is free entry in participating outlets and prizes are Shop Local Vouchers to the value of 1,000 and two nights bed and breakfast plus a dinner compliments of The White Hotel Group. Keep it local in Ballyshannon this Christmas.Inter-county Season Tickets
Season Ticket pricing for 2018 has been confirmed by Croke Park. Adult Club+ season tickets are price 200. Adult season tickets are 120. Juvenile season tickets are 30. As in the season just past, The Club+ season ticket allows the owner to attend club fixtures within the chosen county. The grades and codes of club fixtures covered by the Club+ element of the ticket are determined by the individual county. Once the season ticket is correctly maintained throughout the season, the Club+ version will also guarantee the ticket holder an All-Ireland Final ticket should their county qualify, regardless of their attendance percentage. Clubs will receive 100 for every Club+ season ticket purchased by club members. Renewals and sales are now live.Panto time at the Abbey Centre
Abbey Arts Productions presents Camelot the Panto by Ben Crocker in Abbey Arts Centre, Ballyshannon. There are shows at 8pm nightly from Tuesday 12th December to Thursday 14th December. On Saturday 16th December there will be shows at 3pm and 8pm. Tickets for these show are available from the Abbey Arts Centre box office, call 071-9851375. Prices are: Adult 12; Concessions 10; Family tickets 40 for two adults and two children. Early booking is advised. Christmas Time is Panto Time at the Abbey Arts Centre!Santa this Saturday at SVP
This Saturday 16th from 3pm to 6pm at the Saint Vincent de Paul shop in The Port, Ballyshannon, Santa will be arriving in the new fire brigade jeep. There will be face painting for the kids on the day along with an opportunity for a photo with Santa. This will be 2 per child. We have some home baking to be purchased, along with tea and coffee. Also we have a huge hamper to be won, plus some with fantastic spot prizes from local business. Tickets can be purchased for the hamper in the Saint Vincent de Paul shop for 2 or three for 5.
- 19 December
Oifigeach Na Gaeilge
Bronnadh gradam ar Eva Breen Brosnan agus Daithi Breen i bPαirc an Chrócaigh le déanaí as an iarracht déanta ag Aodh Ruadh chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn sa chlub. Comhghairdeas leis an mbeidh agaibh. Congratulations to Eva Breen Brosnan and Daithi Breen who received an award recently in Croke Park for Aodh Ruadh's effort to promote the Irish Language in our club.Hurling
Thanks to all who supported the Juvenile Hurling Quiz last Thursday. Well done to the winning team of John Larkin, Ronan Drummond, Mary Hoey and Eleanor Rooney. Thanks to Karl Duggan who set the questions and Eugene Perry who did a great job as quiz master despite a lot of heckling. Many thanks to our generous sponsors of the raffle prizes; The Pill Box, Slevin's, Seαn Ógs, Rooney's Butchers, Star Bingo, O'Donnell's Bar, Blown Away Hairdressers, Abbey Garage, Key Cut Ken Neilan, McGinley's Bar, Glen Eden Hotel, The Fiddlestone, William Doogan and Kevin Byrne Coach Hire. We would ask everyone to shop local at Christmas and support these businesses. Thanks as always to Belleek Pottery for their continued sponsorship of the winners prizes.Aodh Ruadh Juvenile Hurling Committee are running their Last One Standing competition again this year. Many thanks to Liam Gallen Mr G's who is sponsoring this year's fund-raiser. Cards can be obtained from any member of Juvenile Hurling Committee. Ideal as a stocking filler! Contact John Rooney on 086-2587793 for any information.
Colman's Charity Kickabout
The annual Kickabout for Colman returns this year and will take place on Thursday 28th December. This year the event is in aid of Donegal Bay Cardiac First Responders ( This is a local group covering Ballyshannon, Creevy and Bundoran which is raising funds to purchase defibrillators. The first game is guaranteed to be high quality with the county title winning under 13 girls merging forces with the all-conquering Southern under 12 champions for a mixed boys and girls game at 1.45pm. That is followed by an adult Ladies exhibition game at 2.20pm which has already attracted significant interest. The showpiece of the day is the 1992 Ulster club minor champions getting the old team back together again one more time to see if they still have what it takes against the Aodh Ruadh All-Stars at 3pm. Basically anyone who fancies a festive kickabout can pull the boots on for a good cause. If you want to play in the adult men's game just let John Muldoon, Brian Roper or James O'Donnell (083-0026826) know you are available so we can have an idea of numbers. The games will be followed by refreshments in Aras Aoidh Ruadh kindly provided by the Kerr and Donagher families.Big Bad and Back
Dicey Reilly's is the place to be on Thursday evening, December 28th, for some festive craic as Aodh Ruadh's Big Bad Interactive YouTube Pub Quiz comes blazing back. Using the big screens in Dicey's there will be five live action rounds on comedy, advertising, music, what happens next and a name that year round. The quiz gets rolling at 9pm and we'll have big prizes on the night and loads of great spot prizes to be won. All funds go to support the work of Aodh Ruadh.President Pat
Congratulations are in order for Ballyshannon exile Pat O'Brien who was elected President of Carlow GAA at convention last Friday night.Bumper Christmas Bingo
The bumper Christmas bingo last Friday was a fantastic giveaway night at the Abbey Centre, with a pay-out of over 2,800 in cash prizes on top of all the spot prizes. The night got off to a flyer as Cuddles found a home for Christmas with Bernie Price of Kinlough checking the first line on 42. The first 500 jackpot was won by Anne Granaghan of Bundoran and the second 500 jackpot won by Rita McGullion of Belleek. Incredibly there was a double check for the snowball game on just 44 numbers, sharing the 250 prize. Evelyn Sheerin of Mountcharles was last on her feet to take the stand up game prize of 170. Eamon Maguire won the headline spot prize of two weekend tickets for the 2018 Rory Gallagher festival worth 120. A huge thank you again to all our local spot prize sponsors, Rooney's Butchers, Owen Roe O'Neill's Bar, Centra, Spar, E&J Oil, Ballyshannon Coal, The Limit, Abbey Garage, Fevbre wines, McCaffrey Quarries and Thomas Gallagher picture framing. Please support them and shop local this Christmas. The Bingo committee would like to wish all our patrons a very merry Christmas.Abbey Centre Bingo
Bingo will be held as usual in the Abbey Centre over the next two weeks. This Friday 22nd December at 9pm will be a normal bingo night, books priced 10 for full book, 5 for half book, and will also see a new winter snowball start off. Our New Year's Bingo will be held on Friday 29th December. We look forward to seeing you all there.Inter-county Season Tickets
Season Ticket pricing for 2018 has been confirmed by Croke Park. Adult Club+ season tickets are price 200. Adult season tickets are 120. Juvenile season tickets are 30. As in the season just past, The Club+ season ticket allows the owner to attend club fixtures within the chosen county. The grades and codes of club fixtures covered by the Club+ element of the ticket are determined by the individual county. Once the season ticket is correctly maintained throughout the season, the Club+ version will also guarantee the ticket holder an All-Ireland Final ticket should their county qualify, regardless of their attendance percentage. Clubs will receive 100 for every Club+ season ticket purchased by club members. Renewals and sales are now live.Nollaig shona
Aodh Ruadh wishes all associated with the club and everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community a happy, peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.