Club Notes Archive - 2019

- 3 December
Club AGM
The Aodh Ruadh AGM took place on Sunday in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. There a good crowed present as we looked back on a successful 2019 and made plans for the coming season. Detailed reports were submitted by all sub-committees and these were followed by an address from club chairman William Doogan, reflecting on his first year in office, thanking all those who had made it such an enjoyable experience. That was followed in turn by an address from our club President, Owen Roe O'Neill. He congratulated all sections of the club for their dedication in promoting our national games and continuing the proud tradition Aodh Ruadh has had for many decades. He reflected that he had been involved with the club since the 1950s as a player, administrator, coach and manager and seen lean times as well as successful ones, but he highlighted that the activity was, successful or otherwise, was the most important part of any club and thankfully Aodh Ruadh continues to be a very active club on and off the field. Owen spoke about some of the high points of 2019 before concluding his address by remembering club members and families connected with the club who lost loved ones during the year and remembering all the great Gaels who played their part in making the club what it is today who are no longer with us.
Motions were then considered. Motion one, to bring under 21 football football under the Bord na nÓg structure failed to pass. Motion two, that all Aras bookings come through the Club Secretary was passed. Motion three, that the Club Treasurer is responsible for pricing and sourcing transport for club activities was ruled out as proposer was not present. Motion four, that we formally request the LGFA to bring membership affiliation fees and insurance costs in line with CLG, and that if there is no movement by 1 January 2022 that we charge Ladies GAA for the use of club facilities was ruled out as proposer was not present. Motion five, that Aodh Ruadh become a smoke free club was passed.
The AGM then proceeded to the election of officers with the following posts being filled. Patrons: Father Ó Fearrai and Canon McGroarty; President: Owen Roe O'Neill; Vice Presidents: Peter Conlon, PJ Buggy, John Magee, Michael McLoone, Tom Gallagher, John Murphy and Alan Kane; Chairman: William Doogan; Vice-Chairman: Diarmaid Keon; Secretary: Lisa McTernan; Assistant Secretary: Brian Gillespie; Treasurer: Sabrina Brosnan; Assistant Treasurer: Sarah Daly; PRO: John Hughes; Oifigeach na Gaeilge: Alan Sweeny and Eamonn Martin Maguire; Substitute County Board Delegates: Diarmaid Keon; Health and Well-being Officer: Philip McLoone; Child Protection Officer: Paul Touhy. The only post left unfilled was that of Director of Coaching. It was hoped to have this position filled for the first meeting of the new committee in January.
Also voted onto the committee on the evening were those present at the AGM, with allowance made for further members to be appointed at the January executive meeting.
Congratulations and best wishes to all those who have taken up a post for 2020. The club extends its gratitude to those outgoing officers who have stepped down from posts after working hard for the club over the past season and beyond.Dinner Dance
The annual club Dinner Dance takes place this Friday in the Sandhouse Hotel, Rossnowlagh, proceedings getting under way at 7pm sharp. Kevin Byrne will be running a bus to the Sandhouse from the Day Centre at 6.30pm, 3 per person. He will be doing runs home also. The meal will be followed our awards presentations with music by The Show Offs bringing down the curtain on the evening's festivities. Tickets, priced 25, are ONLY available online through the Aodh Ruadh page on and are strictly limited to 160, with a significant number having already been snapped up. If anyone is having difficulty with the online purchasing, they should give Lisa McTernan a call on 086-2338636. It has been a successful year for the club on a number of levels so please book early to avoid disappointment.Relive the OsKaRs magic!
Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs DVDs are on sale once more. Remember a great night of craic and savour those spectacular acting talents once again in the comfort of your own home! DVDs are only 10 each. You can message or text Lisa McTernan (086-2338636) or Sabrina Brosnan (086-8241297) to book your copy!Festive stocking fillers
Chris Kelly has some nice Aodh Ruadh gear available for purchase. He has Aodh Ruadh branded mugs available for 9 each. In addition Chris is selling light puff jackets, black with white club crest. These are available in sizes from six-years-old to at 40 euro; And in extra small adult to XXXL adult at 50. They would be nice present for members living abroad or coming home for Christmas and all profits goes back to the club. If you would like to order either item just message Chris on Facebook.Hurling
Ulster GAA are delivering coaching workshops focusing on the fundamentals of underage hurling. This is the perfect chance for parents, guardians and new comers to learn the basics of hurling as well as a refresher for all youth coaches. One of these workshops will be run locally, at Creevy National School on Tuesday 10th December at 7pm.The juvenile hurlers annual Christmas fun quiz will take place on Thursday, 19th December, in Owen Roe's, always a great night of craic. Also coming soon is Last One Standing. Once again sponsored by Liam Gallen of Mr G's, there's 300 to be won with cards out soon.
National and Local Draw
Tickets are currently being distributed for the annual National Club Draw. This is effectively three draws in one with fantastic prizes in all three draws for just 10 a ticket. See for full details of the prizes available. Proceeds from this draw are ring fenced to build a new playing surface on Father Tierney Park in 2020. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the opening of the ground. Our Park / Development Committee has already secured 100,000 in grant aid towards the project costs and the draw is a critical part of providing matching funding. Initially, we need as many people as possible taking one or two books of five tickets to sell. Any club member can provide tickets or contact anyone of the Draw Committee of Tom Daly, William Doogan, Conal Gallagher, Gerard Ferguson, Paul Gillespie, David McLoone, Sarah Daly, Philip McLoone and Michael Daly. For those not living locally who wish to support the Father Tierney Park project, tickets can be purchased on the Aodh Ruadh page on Centre Bingo
Congratulations to Angela Gaye of Bundoran who is the latest bingo thousandaire taking home the 1,000 jackpot. Regina Dolan took the stand up game of 160. Damian McGurran won 200 and 150 houses went to John McFadden and Mary Sweeney. Winners of the 100 houses included Patricia Conlon, Eileen Doherty, Hanna Heron, Noelle Newell, Ellen Maguire and Mary McMahon. The snowball survived its first month so rolls to 450 on 45 numbers this week. Bingo as usual at the Abbey Centre this Friday at 9pm. Books just 10, prize fund 2,150.
- 10 December
Dinner Dance
We had a great night in the novel surrounds of the Sandhouse Hotel for the annual Aodh Ruadh Dinner Dance. A great attendance turned out on the night and enjoyed the fine fare served up by the Sandhouse before club chairman William Doogan took to the rostrum to open the evening's proceedings with a short and well-received speech before introducing master of ceremonies Sean Perry. Sean introduced the various awards with his usual brand of meticulous research and effortless bonhomie. The awards began with tokens of appreciation being presented to Jack McCadden - an award very well received by those assembled, to Sabrina Brosnan on concluding her term as ladies secretary, to John Travers on stepping down as child protection officer, to outgoing reserve team managers Anthony Coughlin and Aidan Murray, and to outgoing senior joint manager Philip O'Reilly. After that it was on to the presentation of individual awards. The young ladies player of the year went to Bridín Maguire. Adam Rami was named young hurler of the year. The ladies player of the year award was claimed by Áine Gilmore. Reserve player of the year was Adam Clarke. Caoimhe Keon presented the Ciarαn Keon senior player of the year to Johnny Gethins. After that the focus turned to group presentations. The first of these was to the 1994 Aodh Ruadh hurlers who won the Donegal junior championship with Mickey Dolan, Gerry McLaughlin and Rui O'Neill brought forward to recall the highlights of that title triumph. After that we had presentations to our 1994 senior county title winning footballers. Sean Perry brought up Sylvester Maguire, Martin McGlynn and Malachy Cullen to share their memories of a great year for the club. The next presentation of the night saw guest of honour Anthony Daly present medals to our junior championship winning hurlers. The Seαn Slevin club person of the year was then presented to the unsuspecting, but very deserving Lisa McTernan. With the silverware distributed, Clare All-Ireland winning legend, Anthony Daly took to the floor with Sean Perry getting the inside story of life in the Ger Loughnane regime. After Anthony brought the official proceedings to an enjoyable close, the Show Offs took to the stage and entertained the crowd into the small hours. Well done to all those who helped bring the night together and made it such an enjoyable event. Check out the Aodh Ruadh gallery for a great spread of pictures from the evening.Aodh Ruadh Academy
In a new initiative for 2020, all Aodh Ruadh underage boys will be a part of the newly established Aodh Ruadh Academy. Each boy will receive a specially designed jersey and an O'Neill's football at a discounted rate. The idea behind this scheme is that every boy brings their own ball to training, and every boy wears their academy jersey to training and games. For boys born from 2008 on the package is priced 35. For boys born between 2007 and 2002 they are priced 40. Vouchers for this package can be purchased from Packie McGrath on 087-9794696, or through any of the team WhatsApp groups and would make a great Christmas gift. We will be launching the academy, along with a membership drive in January. Jerseys and balls can be collected on launch night. We request the package be purchased by all underage players / parents who will be playing in 2020.Hurling
Ulster GAA are delivering coaching workshops focusing on the fundamentals of underage hurling. This is the perfect chance for parents, guardians and new comers to learn the basics of hurling as well as a refresher for all youth coaches. One of these workshops will be run locally, at Creevy National School on Tuesday at 7pm.The juvenile hurlers annual Christmas fun quiz will take place on Thursday, 19th December, in Owen Roe's, always a great night of craic. Also coming soon is Last One Standing. Once again sponsored by Liam Gallen of Mr G's, there's 300 to be won with cards out soon.
Relive the OsKaRs magic!
Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs DVDs are on sale once more. Remember a great night of craic and savour those spectacular acting talents once again in the comfort of your own home! DVDs are only 10 each. You can message or text Lisa McTernan (086-2338636) or Sabrina Brosnan (086-8241297) to book your copy!Festive stocking fillers
Chris Kelly has some nice Aodh Ruadh gear available for purchase. He has Aodh Ruadh branded mugs available for 9 each. In addition Chris is selling light puff jackets, black with white club crest. These are available in sizes from six-years-old to at 40 euro; And in extra small adult to XXXL adult at 50. They would be nice present for members living abroad or coming home for Christmas and all profits goes back to the club. If you would like to order either item just message Chris on Facebook.RIP
The club would like to offer its sincerest condolences to the family of the late Brian Stephens who was buried in Abbey Assaroe cemetery on Monday following funeral mass in Saint Patrick's. Brian was a senior championship winner with Aodh Ruadh and also served as club treasurer in 1950.National and Local Draw
Tickets are currently being distributed for the annual National Club Draw. This is effectively three draws in one with fantastic prizes in all three draws for just 10 a ticket. See for full details of the prizes available. Proceeds from this draw are ring fenced to build a new playing surface on Father Tierney Park in 2020. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the opening of the ground. Our Park / Development Committee has already secured 100,000 in grant aid towards the project costs and the draw is a critical part of providing matching funding. Initially, we need as many people as possible taking one or two books of five tickets to sell. Any club member can provide tickets or contact anyone of the Draw Committee of Tom Daly, William Doogan, Conal Gallagher, Gerard Ferguson, Paul Gillespie, David McLoone, Sarah Daly, Philip McLoone and Michael Daly. For those not living locally who wish to support the Father Tierney Park project, tickets can be purchased on the Aodh Ruadh page on Centre Bingo
Last week's 400 was won by Mary Butler of Ballyshannon. The stand-up game prize of 140 was won by Mary B Kerrigan. Winners of the 100 houses included Teresa Hoey, Mary Breslin, Karen Gallagher, Mary Gallagher, Michael Maguire and Karen O'Connor. The winter snowball survived again so rises to 500 this week. Bingo as usual this Friday at 9pm in the Abbey Centre with a prize fund of over 2,200. Books priced just 10.
- 17 December
Aodh Ruadh Academy
In a new initiative for 2020, all Aodh Ruadh underage boys will be a part of the newly established Aodh Ruadh Academy. Each boy will receive a specially designed jersey and an O'Neill's football at a discounted rate. The idea behind this scheme is that every boy brings their own ball to training, and every boy wears their academy jersey to training and games. For boys born from 2008 on the package is priced 35. For boys born between 2007 and 2002 they are priced 40. Vouchers for this package can be purchased from Packie McGrath on 087-9794696, or through any of the team WhatsApp groups and would make a great Christmas gift. We will be launching the academy, along with a membership drive in January. Jerseys and balls can be collected on launch night. Purchase of the package will be mandatory for all underage boys playing football for Aodh Ruadh in 2020.Hurling
The juvenile hurlers annual Christmas fun quiz takes place this Thursday in Owen Roe's, always a great night of craic. Also coming soon is Last One Standing. Once again sponsored by Liam Gallen of Mr G's, there's 300 to be won with cards out soon.Ladies
There will be a meeting for our senior ladies team on Friday 27th December in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 6pm to discuss plans for the coming season. Any new players welcome. Haven't played in a few years? Don't be shy, come along, we'd love to see you. Anyone unavailable for meeting, but interested in playing is asked to let Paul Gillespie know on 086-0430045.Abbey Centre Bingo
This Friday is the bumper Christmas bingo in the Abbey Centre. We have a mighty night of prizes ahead, with a 500 jackpot, 600 snowball and a load of 100 houses as part of a 2,800 prize fund. We also have heaps of spot prizes generously sponsored by local businesses, including beauty hampers, meal vouchers, beauty vouchers, fuel, drinks, sweets, sports goods, meat vouchers and of course the Christmas turkey! Thank you very much to our local sponsors, please support them this Christmas by shopping local. First game at 9pm, books priced just 10.Relive the OsKaRs magic!
Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs DVDs are on sale once more. Remember a great night of craic and savour those spectacular acting talents once again in the comfort of your own home! DVDs are only 10 each. You can message or text Lisa McTernan (086-2338636) or Sabrina Brosnan (086-8241297) to book your copy!Festive stocking fillers
Chris Kelly has some nice Aodh Ruadh gear available for purchase. He has Aodh Ruadh bobble hats available for 14 each. He also has Aodh Ruadh mugs available for 10 each. They would be nice present for members living abroad or coming home for Christmas and all profits goes back to the club. If you would like to order either item just message Chris on Facebook.Millstone memories
The Millstone Reunion is back with the craic! More belter tunes! More far out fashion! Relive the memories in Dicey Reilly's on Saturday 28th December at 9pm. Tickets available now priced just 10.National and Local Draw
Ticket sales for the National Club Draw are now in full swing. This is effectively three draws in one with fantastic prizes in all three draws for just 10 a ticket. See for full details of the prizes available. Proceeds from this draw are ring fenced to build a new playing surface on Father Tierney Park in 2020. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the opening of the ground. Our Park / Development Committee has already secured 100,000 in grant aid towards the project costs and the draw is a critical part of providing matching funding. Initially, we need as many people as possible taking one or two books of five tickets to sell. Any club member can provide tickets or contact anyone of the Draw Committee of Tom Daly, William Doogan, Conal Gallagher, Gerard Ferguson, Paul Gillespie, David McLoone, Sarah Daly, Philip McLoone and Michael Daly. For those not living locally who wish to support the Father Tierney Park project, tickets can be purchased on the Aodh Ruadh page on Centre Bingo
Last week's 400 jackpot was won by Mary B Kerrigan of Ballyshannon. The stand-up game prize of 160 was won by Patricia O'Reilly. Winners of the 100 houses included Margaret Meehan, Angela Nicholson and Mary Cleary, with 70 houses going to Gerard Cullen, Noel Cunningham and Gerry McDermott. There was no winner of the 500 snowball.
- 24 December
Aodh Ruadh Academy
In a new initiative for 2020, all Aodh Ruadh underage boys will be a part of the newly established Aodh Ruadh Academy. Each boy will receive a specially designed jersey and an O'Neill's football at a discounted rate. The idea behind this scheme is that every boy brings their own ball to training, and every boy wears their academy jersey to training and games. For boys born from 2008 on the package is priced 35. For boys born between 2007 and 2002 they are priced 40. Vouchers for this package can be purchased from Packie McGrath on 087-9794696, or through any of the team WhatsApp groups and would make a great Christmas gift. We will be launching the academy, along with a membership drive in January. Jerseys and balls can be collected on launch night. We request the package be purchased by all underage players / parents who will be playing in 2020.Hurling
Thanks to all who supported the Juvenile Hurlers annual quiz last Thursday. As usual it was a great night of craic. Thanks to Belleek Pottery who once again sponsored the winners' prizes, thanks to all our other sponsors on the night, Star Bingo, Seαn Ógs, Terry Hughes, Goodies, MCM Spirits, McGinley's, Eclipse Cinema, Sean Rooney Butchers, Donegal Bay Hotel, Abbey Garage, Pillbox, Slevin's, Kevin Byrne Coaches, Chris Kelly, McCaffrey's, Donegal Town. The support of all our sponsors is much appreciated, hope everyone has a happy and peaceful Christmas!Last One Standing cards are now in circulation. Test your prediction skills to be in with a chance of winning 300.
There will be a meeting for our senior ladies team on Friday in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 6pm to discuss plans for the coming season. Any new players welcome. Haven't played in a few years? Don't be shy, come along, we'd love to see you. Anyone unavailable for meeting, but interested in playing is asked to let Paul Gillespie know on 086-0430045.Relive the OsKaRs magic!
Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs DVDs are on sale once more. Remember a great night of craic and savour those spectacular acting talents once again in the comfort of your own home! DVDs are only 10 each. You can message or text Lisa McTernan (086-2338636) or Sabrina Brosnan (086-8241297) to book your copy!Festive stocking fillers
Chris Kelly has some nice Aodh Ruadh gear available for purchase. He has Aodh Ruadh bobble hats available for 14 each. He also has Aodh Ruadh mugs available for 10 each. They would be nice present for members living abroad or coming home for Christmas and all profits goes back to the club. If you would like to order either item just message Chris on Facebook.Millstone memories
The Millstone Reunion is back with the craic! More belter tunes! More far out fashion! Relive the memories in Dicey Reilly's on Saturday 28th December at 9pm. Tickets available now priced just 10.National and Local Draw
Ticket sales for the National Club Draw are now in full swing. This is effectively three draws in one with fantastic prizes in all three draws for just 10 a ticket. See for full details of the prizes available. Proceeds from this draw are ring fenced to build a new playing surface on Father Tierney Park in 2020. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the opening of the ground. Our Park / Development Committee has already secured 100,000 in grant aid towards the project costs and the draw is a critical part of providing matching funding. Initially, we need as many people as possible taking one or two books of five tickets to sell. Any club member can provide tickets or contact anyone of the Draw Committee of Tom Daly, William Doogan, Conal Gallagher, Gerard Ferguson, Paul Gillespie, David McLoone, Sarah Daly, Philip McLoone and Michael Daly. For those not living locally who wish to support the Father Tierney Park project, tickets can be purchased on the Aodh Ruadh page on Big Bingo
This Friday night is the December Big Bingo at the Abbey Centre. The 1,000 super jackpot has to be won, the snowball stands at 600, and all houses either 150 or 100, all as part of a massive 3,300 prize fund. A great night in store again, it's a great chance to get out and shake off the turkey over the next week! First game at 9pm.Christmas bingo
The bumper Christmas bingo was a great success last Friday with heaps of spot prizes given out along with great cash prizes. The 500 jackpot was shared between Jean Murray and Jim McManus. The stand-up game was played for 200 and won by Finbar Torney. All houses were 100, with winners including Vincent Keown, Agnes McBride, Anne McGloin, Mary Kane, Celine McGrath, Patrice Cox, Caroline Bushell and Mark Granaghan. The snowball went unclaimed. The spot prizes this year were fantastic with lunch, fuel, beauty, meat, drinks, food, treats and clothing prizes on offer. Eunan McGrath won the pair of Rory Gallagher festival 2020 tickets, with Ellen Cullen winning the 14lb turkey! Thanks again to all our sponsors, please support them this Christmas.Nollaig shona
Aodh Ruadh wishes all associated with the club and everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community a happy, peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
- 31 December
Aodh Ruadh Academy
In a new initiative for 2020, all Aodh Ruadh underage boys will be a part of the newly established Aodh Ruadh Academy. Each boy will receive a specially designed jersey and an O'Neill's football at a discounted rate. The idea behind this scheme is that every boy brings their own ball to training, and every boy wears their academy jersey to training and games. For boys born from 2008 on the package is priced 35. For boys born between 2007 and 2002 they are priced 40. Vouchers for this package can be purchased from Packie McGrath on 087-9794696, or through any of the team WhatsApp groups. We will be launching the academy, along with a membership drive in January. Jerseys and balls can be collected on launch night. We request the package be purchased by all underage players / parents who will be playing in 2020.Millstone memories
It was another magical night in Dicey Reilly's last Thursday as a huge crowd came out for the Millstone Reunion. Star of the night was a classic playlist from the Millstone days. The Bord na nÓg committee would like to thank all who supported the event, David O'Donnell and his crew for organising, Oisin McCauley for DJing, Brendan O'Reilly for hosting and to Herman Sr, Herman Jr and Mary McNelis for attending on the night.National and Local Draw
Ticket sales for the National Club Draw are now in full swing. This is effectively three draws in one with fantastic prizes in all three draws for just 10 a ticket. See for full details of the prizes available. Proceeds from this draw are ring fenced to build a new playing surface on Father Tierney Park in 2020. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the opening of the ground. Our Park / Development Committee has already secured 100,000 in grant aid towards the project costs and the draw is a critical part of providing matching funding. Initially, we need as many people as possible taking one or two books of five tickets to sell. Any club member can provide tickets or contact anyone of the Draw Committee of Tom Daly, William Doogan, Conal Gallagher, Gerard Ferguson, Paul Gillespie, David McLoone, Sarah Daly, Philip McLoone and Michael Daly. For those not living locally who wish to support the Father Tierney Park project, tickets can be purchased on the Aodh Ruadh page on New Year
Aodh Ruadh would like to wish all our players, mentors, administrators and members, and indeed everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community all the very best for a successful, prosperous and happy 2020.Hurling
Last One Standing cards are now in circulation. Test your prediction skills to be in with a chance of winning 300.Abbey Centre Bingo
The December Big bingo took place on Friday night. Julie Kane of Belleek joining the list of thousandaires, taking the 1,000 jackpot prize as well as a 100 house. Bernie Price of Kinlough took the stand-up game prize of 170. Winners of the 150 houses included Caroline Finnerty, Margaret McCaffrey and Packie Johnson, with 100 houses going to Karen Gallagher, Roseanne Martin, Ann Davey, Catherine Cleary and Jim McManus. There was no winner of the winter snowball so it rolls to 650 this week. Bingo as usual this Friday night at the Abbey Centre, with a great 2,300 prize fund. First game at 9pm, books just 10.New Year Lotto Bonus
As we enter 2020 Aodh Ruadh wants to give all our loyal lotto supporters a little something extra to welcome the New Year. All lotto tickets bought this week will be entered in a draw for ten 30 shopping vouchers - five for Kernan's Spar, five for McCosker's Centra. The winners will be drawn at this Sunday's lotto draw in Dicey Reilly's. Lotto tickets are on sale online at and all the usual locations around town. Have a go, you never know!