Club Notes Archive - 2019

- 5 February
National Club Draw Final Call
Club members and supporters who have not yet returned their National Club Draw tickets are asked to do so by 8pm this Thursday at Aras Aoidh Ruaidh where draw committee members will be present. Those with tickets to sell are asked to make a final effort to dispose of them in the coming few days. We need full co-operation on this from everyone. Unsold tickets must also be brought back as draw conditions require that all tickets are accounted for. There are no exceptions. Members of the draw committe would like to hear immediately from those still holding tickets. Contact: Lisa McTernan, Tom Daly, William Doogan, David McLoone, Gerard Ferguson, Sarah Daly, Sabrina Brosnan or Catherine McKee.Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs
We held a very well-attended information night last Friday in Dorrian's Hotel for budding actors hoping take part in the Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs. Chief of the production company committing our talent to celluloid, Kevin Rowe, gave everyone a great idea of what the process is going to be like. He also gave us a few tasters of how the finished product, a professionally produced ten minute clip from a popular movie, will look. If you like the sound of that and can fund-raise €500 we are still recruiting, so give club secretary Lisa McTernan a bell on 086-2338636. The big night will be on Saturday, 18th May.Hurling
There will be an important meeting regarding establishing an adult hurling team and sub committee in the club for 2019. This will take place in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh on Saturday at 8pm. Anyone interested in playing or helping to put a proper structure in place for adult hurling are welcome to attend. If you are interested in getting involved, but can't attend meeting please contact Ciaran Rami on 087-9602618 or John Rooney 086-2587793. Spread the word!Ladies
Teddy Kane, Jim Kane and Raymie Granaghan have been confirmed as the management team for the Aodh Ruadh ladies for the coming year. There will be a meeting this Friday in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 7pm to discuss the upcoming season. All abilities of player are welcome. Whether you have been away from the game for a while or are a younger player thinking of playing senior we would love to see you there on Friday.Under 12 training starts this Wednesday and runs from 7pm to 8pm at the 3G at the Bressy Centre, Cashelard. We will need €2 to help cover the cost of the pitch. There is a second session on Saturday morning from 9.45am to 10.45am at the Coláiste Cholmcille pitch.
Training for under 6s, under 8s and under 10s continues on Friday. The under 8s and under 10s are in the New Hall at Coláiste Cholmcille. Under 8s train from 6pm to 7pm, followed by the under 10s from 7pm to 8pm. The under 6s are in the Mercy Hall from 6pm to 6.45pm.Last one standing
Dublin and Kerry proved popular picks over the weekend, while there was big disappointment for those who picked Tyrone and Monaghan as we lost 108 entrants today in our Last One Standing competition sponsored by Mr G's.Scór
Good luck to our Tráth na gCeist team on Friday night as they travel to Glenfin to contest the county Scór Sinsear final against Carndonagh, Naomh Conaill, Naomh Columba and Gaeil Fhánada.Club registration
We ask all club members to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. Membership can be paid to Gerry Ferguson at Ferguson's Jewellers. Players can also download registration forms from and submit this along with the relevant fee directly to their manager. Registration sessions will be organised for teams over the coming weeks and it is essential all players are signed up club members. Non members are not covered by the GAA's injury insurance scheme and cannot line out for the club. Adult members will receive first priority for the club's allocation of All-Ireland final tickets in the event of Donegal contesting the decider. Club members can also avail of some great discount offers locally. Brian McGuinness's Progressive Fitness offers a 20 percent discount for playing members and a 10 percent discount for club members. Elsewhere, under 23 playing members can also avail of a discounted monthly membership rate of €25 at Ballyshannon Leisure Centre on production of their GAA membership number at the reception. Coaches are also eligible for a discounted monthly membership rate of €35. Only adult members registered by 31st March may vote at the club AGM.Ireland Lights Up
After a weather interruption we are back at Father Tierney Park this Thursday at 7pm for week four of Operation Transformation - Ireland Lights Up. A 4.6km jaunt going the opposite direction than usual, taking in the Station Road, but leaving out the Mall Track. We are hoping to get a snap of the gang under the lights in front of Saimer Childcare near the start to send in to Operation Transformation. Until then, keep up the steps.Abbey Centre Bingo
Last week's €400 bingo jackpot was won by Kathleen Flanagan of Belleek. Marian Matthews took the stand-up game prize of €135. Denis Sheerin checked out two houses taking €170, with other €100 house winners including Caroline Finnerty, Chrissie Roper, Bernie Price and Mrs McManus. There was no winner of the winter snowball so it rises to €775 this week. Bingo as usual this Friday night at the Abbey Centre with a fine €2,500 prize fund. First game at 9pm, books priced just €10.
- 12 February
Aodh Ruadh Club Social Night
There is an opportunity for club members to meet up and socialise in the Bridgend this Saturday night at 9pm. A key feature of the night will be the Club Draw with an array of terrific prizes including All-Ireland Tickets, top quality hotel vouchers, etc. Those who have bought National Club Draw tickets have a chance to win prizes in this draw, and, not forgetting, another chance in the draw at county level. It also covers inclusion in the GAA National Draw for a car and a slew of top class prizes which will take place in Croke Park next month. All proceeds from these draws are ring-fenced for the project to provide a new playing surface at Father Tierney Park. Our Park Development Committee has already secured €100,000 in funding to advance this major project.National Club Draw
Club members still holding National Club Draw tickets are asked to return them urgently to Tom Daly, Lisa McTernan, David McLoone, Sabrina Brosnan, William Doogan, Sarah Daly, Gerard Ferguson, Conal Gallagher or Catherine McKee. The National Club Draw committee meets this Tuesday night in the Bridgend to take in the last draft of tickets. Unsold tickets must also be returned and can be reallocated to club members willing to sell them before Saturday night's local draw.Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs
There is an OsKaRs meeting this Friday at 8.30pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. All actors and anyone interested in playing a part in the event are asked to come along. Give club secretary Lisa McTernan a bell on 086-2338636 if you want more details. The big night will be on Saturday, 18th May.Hurling
All interested in playing adult hurling for Aodh Ruadh this season are asked to attend training at the top field in Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh - Munday's field - this Friday at 8pm sharp.Ladies
Under 12 training continues this Wednesday and runs from 7pm to 8pm at the 3G at the Breesy Centre, Cashelard. We will need €2 to help cover the cost of the pitch. There is a second session on Saturday morning from 9.45am to 10.45am at the Coláiste Cholmcille pitch.Football
Training for under 6s, under 8s and under 10s continues on Friday. The under 8s and under 10s are in the New Hall at Coláiste Cholmcille. Under 8s train from 6pm to 7pm, followed by the under 10s from 7pm to 8pm. The under 6s are in the Mercy Hall from 6pm to 6.45pm.Pitch access
Training is confined to the school field and the top field at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh during the closed season. Bookings for sessions should be with Tom Daly. A scheduling meeting with all managers will take place during first week of March.Last one standing
Again this week Mayo proved a popular choice for a lot of entrants, while for the second week in a row Roscommon upset a lot of our entrants who had Tyrone picked. There is a break in the league next week so as we head for Round 4 there are only 102 left standing in our fundraiser sponsored by Mr G's!Club gear
Chris Kelly has nice club multi-quilted puff jacket available for purchase. He has kids sizes from 5-6 up 13-14 available from €40. There's also adult sizes available from extra small up to XXL at €50. The jacket has club crest and initials are embroidered. If interested message Chris on Facebook or text him on 086-8813553.Scór
Hard luck to our Tráth na gCeist team of Sylvester Maguire, Paddy Kelly, Eamonn Martin Maguire and Peter Campbell who lost out in the county final on Friday night to a strong Gaeil Fhánada outfit. We wish Fanad all the best in the Scór Sinsear national final in Castlebar.Club registration
We ask all club members to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. Membership can be paid to Gerry Ferguson at Ferguson's Jewellers. Players can also download registration forms from and submit this along with the relevant fee directly to their manager. Registration sessions will be organised for teams over the coming weeks and it is essential all players are signed up club members. Non members are not covered by the GAA's injury insurance scheme and cannot line out for the club. Adult members will receive first priority for the club's allocation of All-Ireland final tickets in the event of Donegal contesting the decider. Club members can also avail of some great discount offers locally. Brian McGuinness's Progressive Fitness offers a 20 percent discount for playing members and a 10 percent discount for club members. Elsewhere, under 23 playing members can also avail of a discounted monthly membership rate of €25 at Ballyshannon Leisure Centre on production of their GAA membership number at the reception. Coaches are also eligible for a discounted monthly membership rate of €35. Only adult members registered by 31st March may vote at the club AGM.The Importance of Being Earnest
Ballyshannon Drama Society present Oscar Wilde's much-loved comedy The Importance Of Being Earnest in the Abbey Arts Centre on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, before heading off to eight more festivals in the All-Ireland Amateur Drama Festival. Wilde's comedy sparkles with dazzling wordplay and hilariously unlikely situations. This, "Trivial comedy for serious people," features two carefree bachelors, Jack and Algernon, each with a carefully hidden double life. The Ballyshannon Drama Society's ingenious production of this timeless classic offers the unmissable opportunity to see what has been described as, "The most perfect comedy in the English language." The cast includes several well-known, multi-award winning Ballyshannon regulars, and a few new faces. The players are Kevin Lilly, Sean Donegan, Terence McEneaney, Rachel O'Connor, Louise Larkin, Trish Keane, Sinead Luke, Tony Liston and Mark Kirby. Tickets are €10 on Tuesday and €12 on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Concession price on the last three days is €10. To book, call 9851375.Operation Transformation - Ireland Lights Up
We are in week five of Operation Transformation - Ireland Lights Up. The route this week will be similar to last week's, with one small diversion. There's only two weeks left so make sure you're at Father Tierney Park this Thursday at 7pm to join in the craic.Abbey Centre Bingo
Last week's €400 bingo jackpot was won by Marian Matthews of Ballyshannon. The stand up game prize was €125 this week and had one winner. The snowball had no claim so rolls over to a handsome €800 this week. Bingo as usual this week on Friday night at the Abbey Centre, first game at 9pm, with a great prize fund of €2,500. Books priced just €10.
- 19 February
Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs
The next step in the OsKaRs adventure takes place on Sunday when there will be a casting session at 4pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. The big night will be on Saturday, 18th May.National Club Draw
The Aodh Ruadh local draw, which is linked to the GAA National Draw, took place in the Bridgend Bar on Saturday night. Thanks to the Sheerin family who were joined by two friends from their trad group Seanach, together with a couple of other musicians from the club area who created a nice atmosphere for the night. Prize winners were as follows: Croke Park Hotel Voucher - John Hughes, The Mullans; Load of firewood - Angela Gallagher, Cluain Barron; 2019 Hurling or Football Final Tickets - John Monaghan, Assaroe View; White Hotel Group Voucher - George Smyth, Kilmacud, Dublin; Wellington Park Hotel Belfast Voucher - Eunan McCosker, Ballyshannon; All-Ireland Camogie Final Tickets - Eamonn Groarke, Kildare; Cara Pharmacies hamper - Denis Ferguson, Ballyshannon; Four tickets for 2019 Rory Gallagher Festival - Patrice McHugh, Kilcar; Pair of tickets for 2019 All-Ireland Ladies Football Final - Darren Kilpatrick, Laghey. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to all who supported the draw. The national draw for a car and spread of other great prizes takes place in Croke Park early next month. A special word of thanks to our sponsors for their support of this draw.Hurling
Senior hurling training continues this Friday at 8pm sharp in Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh. All are welcome, but all prospective players should bring a helmet.Last Sunday prior to the Donegal v Wicklow NHL game in Letterkenny the county under 14 hurling squad were presented with their All-Ireland medals. Aodh Ruadh were delighted to have seven lads on the squad, Aaron Neilan - who was captain, Aaron Cullen, Danny Breen-Brosnan, Ryan Keenaghan, Troy Killalea, Pauric Daly and Kyle McNulty. Denis Daly was involved with the management of the squad.
Underage hurling returns on Sunday 3rd March at 12 noon, boys and girls from 5-years-old up are welcome. Hurls and helmets will be provided for training. Learn the basic skills of our ancient game in a fun-filled environment. Anyone who would like any further information should contact John Rooney on 086-2587793.
Senior ladies training continues on Sunday morning at 9.30am at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh.Under 16 girls training gets going this Thursday at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh from 4.15pm to 5.30pm. Players are reminded to bring gloves and gum shields.
Under 12 training continues this Wednesday and runs from 7pm to 8pm at the 3G at the Breesy Centre, Cashelard. We will need €2 to help cover the cost of the pitch. The team have their first game of the season this Friday when they travel to Ardara. We will be leaving town at 5.30pm with games throwing in at 7pm in Pearse Memorial Park. Training continues on Saturday morning from 9.45am to 10.45am at the Coláiste Cholmcille pitch.
Under 10 training commences next Tuesday, 26th February in the Mercy Hall, Coláiste Cholmcille and runs from 6pm to 7pm. All welcome.
Under 8 girls training starts this Friday, 22nd February, at 7pm in the Mercy hall. Under 6 girls training also starts this Friday and runs from 6pm to 6.45pm in Creevy National School hall. Spread the word!
Congratulations to Megan Kane who has been in action with the Donegal under 14 girls in recent weeks against Roscommon and Longford. Congratulations also to Caoimhe Hughes-O'Brien, Emer O'Brien and Aine Hill who have been selected for the final Donegal under 15 county panel. The team will now embark on preparations for their Ulster campaign which begins with a game against Antrim next month.
Training for under 6s, under 8s and under 10s continues on Friday. The under 8s and under 10s are in the New Hall at Coláiste Cholmcille. Under 8s train from 6pm to 7pm, followed by the under 10s from 7pm to 8pm. The under 6s are in the Mercy Hall from 6pm to 6.45pm.Pitch access and maintenance works
Training arrangements for the floodlit top field at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh over the next few weeks are as follows. The senior footballers are training on Tuesdays and Thursdays; The under 16 and minor football train there on Wednesday nights. The senior hurlers have the pitch or Friday nights. Floodlit sessions can also be accommodated in School Field. All sessions must be advance booked with Tom Daly. All those using the facilities at Father Tierney Park and Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh should be aware that maintenance works are continuing on grounds and buildings during closed season and to exercise appropriate caution.Club gear - big news!
Club gear is now available to purchase from the O'Neill's website. Check out our page on the O'Neill's website to view our range of jerseys, shorts, socks, tops, jackets, skinnies, bags and much more. 15 percent of what you spend goes into a credit account with O'Neill's which the club will be able to redeem against new team jerseys and other such outgoings.Chris Kelly has nice club multi-quilted puff jacket available for purchase. He has kids sizes from 5-6 up 13-14 available from €40. There's also adult sizes available from extra small up to XXL at €50. The jacket has club crest and initials are embroidered. If interested message Chris on Facebook or text him on 086-8813553.
Club registration
There will be an open registration evening on Thursday 28th February from 7.45pm to 8.45pm. In the interim, we ask all club members to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. Membership can be paid to Gerry Ferguson at Ferguson's Jewellers. Players can also download registration forms from and submit this along with the relevant fee directly to their manager. It is essential all players are signed up club members. Non members are not covered by the GAA's injury insurance scheme and cannot line out for the club. Adult members will receive first priority for the club's allocation of All-Ireland final tickets in the event of Donegal contesting the decider. Club members can also avail of some great discount offers locally. Brian McGuinness's Progressive Fitness offers a 20 percent discount for playing members and a 10 percent discount for club members. Elsewhere, under 23 playing members can also avail of a discounted monthly membership rate of €25 at Ballyshannon Leisure Centre on production of their GAA membership number at the reception. Coaches are also eligible for a discounted monthly membership rate of €35. Only adult members registered by 31st March may vote at the club AGM.February big bingo
The February big bingo takes place this Friday night at the Abbey Centre. The next thousandaire will be found as we play for the €1,000 super jackpot which must be won as part of a €2,800 prize fund. Books priced €15 or get the book and a half special for just €20. First game at 9pm, we look forward to seeing you there.Abbey Centre Bingo
There was a great giveaway night at the Abbey Centre bingo last week with €2,500 paid out. Well done to Eileen Maguire of Donegal Town who scooped the winter snowball in the fine amount of €800, checking out on just 47 numbers. The €400 jackpot also went to Donegal town with Susan Sheridan the winner. The stand-up prize of €130 was shared between Marian Matthews and Josie Lynch. Meanwhile other prizes on the night went to Mary B Kerrigan with €120, and €100 houses won by Teresa McCafferty, Catherine McLoone, Avril O'Brien and Pat Treacy.Clock restoration
The drive to restore the town clock continues with a Springtime concert in Dorrian's Hotel starring Charlie McGettigan, Bel Canto, Ballyshannon Brass and Reed Band, Claire Breslin and The Ballyshannon Boys. This musical extravaganza takes place this Thursday with first act on stage at 8.30pm. If you cannot attend but you would like to support the event, you can buy a ticket, put your name on the back and you will be entered into the door raffle for a dinner for two in the Sandhouse Hotel. There will also be some great prizes in the main raffle on the night, including an evening for two in Harvey's Point Hotel with dinner and cabaret show, dinner for two in the Allingham Arms Hotel, and many more. It's a great night of entertainment for a good cause, so don't miss it. Tickets priced €10 are available from Teresa Maguire, Barry Sweeny, Michael Gallagher, or in Local Hands, Dorrian's Imperial Hotel or A Novel Idea.Give blood
There are blood donation sessions this Wednesday in Coláiste Cholmcille's Mercy Hall from 3pm to 5.30pm and from 7pm to 9.30pm. New donors always welcome.Operation Transformation - Ireland Lights Up
We are into week six of Operation Transformation - Ireland Lights Up this Thursday at 7pm. We are aiming to push over the magic 5K mark this week. This week's route is the same as last week, but in the opposite direction with an optional lap of the Mall track. As ever, all are welcome. There is tea, coffee, sandwiches and scones up in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh after the walk. Help with the refreshments would be greatly appreciated.Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Ballyshannon Musical Society are proud to present Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and with just over a week to show time the big question is, "Have you booked your tickets yet?" Don't miss out on what will be the best musical this side of the summer to come to Donegal. A high-flying, fun-filled adventure for all the family. Based on the beloved 1968 film adaption of Ian Fleming's children's book and featuring an unforgettable score, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is one family-friendly blockbuster that audiences will find truly scrumptious. Filled with amazing stage spectacle, this is not to be missed. Ticket prices are as follows. Tuesday 26th February - €12; Wednesday 27th February - €15 / €12; Thursday 28th February - €15; Friday 1st March - €15; Saturday 2nd March: Matinee - €12; Evening - €15. The Musical Society will be at box office this Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. You can also call the box office on 9851375 to book your tickets.
- 26 February
RIP Brendan Martin
It was with deep sadness we learned of the sudden passing of Brendan Martin on Thursday. Although a native Donegal town, it's fair to say he wove himself thoroughly into the fabric of Ballyshannon life following his posting here with An Garda Síochána. A legendary player in his day, a tough competitor, the high points of his career came in his time lining out with Four Masters, Claremorris and Aodh Ruadh where he won senior championships in 1986 and 1987. He took a keen interest in the Aodh Ruadh club and passed his great love of the Gaelic games and culture on to his family. A man with a ready smile and an open, warm and unassuming personality, he enjoyed a wide circle of friends. Our thanks to those Aodh Ruadh members who provided a guard of honour at the funeral. Our sincerest condolences to Brendan's wife Peggy and daughters Karen, Amanda and Donna at this hard time.Club registration
There will be an open registration evening this Thursday from 7.45pm to 8.45pm. In the interim, we ask all club members to submit their registration form and fee at their earliest convenience. Membership can be paid to Gerry Ferguson at Ferguson's Jewellers. Players can also download registration forms from and submit this along with the relevant fee directly to their manager. It is essential all players are signed up club members. Non members are not covered by the GAA's injury insurance scheme and cannot line out for the club. Adult members will receive first priority for the club's allocation of All-Ireland final tickets in the event of Donegal contesting the decider. Club members can also avail of some great discount offers locally. Brian McGuinness's Progressive Fitness offers a 20 percent discount for playing members and a 10 percent discount for club members. Elsewhere, under 23 playing members can also avail of a discounted monthly membership rate of €25 at Ballyshannon Leisure Centre on production of their GAA membership number at the reception. Coaches are also eligible for a discounted monthly membership rate of €35. Only adult members registered by 31st March may vote at the club AGM.Club meeting
The monthly Aodh Ruadh club executive meeting takes place this Thursday at 9pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. All committee members are asked to attend.Aodh Ruadh OsKaRs
The latest landmark in the OsKaRs adventure is set for Saturday 9th March when the launch night takes place in Seán Óg's and we will discover who our OsKaRs actors are, and what films and roles they will be cast in. The big night itself takes place on Saturday, 18th May in the Great Northern. Follow the OsKaRs Facebook page for the latest updates.Ladies
Senior ladies training continues on Sunday morning at 9.30am at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh.Under 16 girls training gets going this Thursday at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh from 4.15pm to 5.30pm. Players are reminded to bring gloves and gum shields.
The under 12s had a great work out in a windswept Ardara on Friday evening. Lots of great performances from the girls in their first competitive outing of the season. Maura O'Sullivan, Abbie Gallagher and Sara Begley were real tigers in the defensive third, Andrea Moore was a dynamo, doing a great job of sweeping up possession, Pearl McHugh gave herself a hard act to follow with a great outing in midfield, while up front Megan Murphy got on a lot of ball and was a great threat. Training continues this Wednesday and runs from 7pm to 8pm at the 3G at the Breesy Centre, Cashelard. We will need €2 to help cover the cost of the pitch. Training continues on Saturday morning from 9.45am to 10.45am at the Coláiste Cholmcille pitch.
Under 10 training commences this Tuesday in the Mercy Hall, Coláiste Cholmcille and runs from 6pm to 7pm. All welcome.
Under 8 girls training continues this Friday at 7pm in the Mercy hall. Under 6 girls training also continues this Friday and runs from 6pm to 6.45pm in Creevy National School hall. Spread the word!
Well done to Anton McGloin, Thomas O'Brien, Leah O'Brien and Síofra Hughes who completed the LGFA Fundamentals Training course in Glenfin on Saturday.
The under 16s will be the first Aodh Ruadh side to take the field in 2019 on Sunday when they entertain Four Masters in Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh this Sunday at 12 noon. It would be great to see a good crowd there to support the lads in what should be an entertaining and keenly contested game. We wish Gerald McGloin, Diarmaid Keon, Anthony Coughlin, Aiden Murray and the team all the best for the coming season.Under 12 training continues at the Breesy Centre, Cashelard on Mondays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. The lads have a challenge game away to Naomh Conaill this Saturday. We are meeting up at Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 9.15am before heading off to Glenties.
Training for under 6s, under 8s and under 10s continues on Friday. The under 8s and under 10s are in the New Hall at Coláiste Cholmcille. Under 8s train from 6pm to 7pm, followed by the under 10s from 7pm to 8pm. The under 6s are in the Mercy Hall from 6pm to 6.45pm.
Senior hurling training continues this Friday at 8pm sharp in Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh. All are welcome, but all prospective players should bring a helmet.Minor hurling training starts this Thursday at 7.15 pm sharp in the School Field on the Rock. Spread the word.
Underage hurling returns this Sunday at 12 noon, boys and girls from 5-years-old up are welcome. Hurls and helmets will be provided for training. Learn the basic skills of our ancient game in a fun-filled environment. Anyone who would like any further information should contact John Rooney on 086-2587793.
Official Fixtures
Father Tierney Park plays host to a double header of games this Saturday. Donegal play Fermanagh in the Jim McGuigan Cup under 17 competition at 12 noon. That is followed by the meeting of Donegal and Fermanagh in the Buncrana Cup in Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh at 2pm.Pitch access and maintenance works
Training is restricted to the floodlit top field at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh and the School Field on The Rock. Arrangements for the top field on Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh over the next few weeks are as follows. The senior footballers are training on Tuesdays and Thursdays; The under 16 and minor football train there on Wednesday nights. The senior hurlers have the pitch or Friday nights. Minor hurling training takes place on the School Field on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Further floodlit sessions can be accommodated in School Field. All sessions must be advance booked with Tom Daly. All those using the facilities at Father Tierney Park and Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh should be aware that maintenance works are continuing on grounds and buildings during closed season and to exercise appropriate caution.Club gear
Chris Kelly is hosting sizing sessions for his club multi-quilted puffer jacket in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 7pm. He has kids sizes from 3-4 up 13-14 available from €40. There's also adult sizes available from extra small up to XXXL at €50. The jacket has club crest and initials are embroidered. For more information message Chris on Facebook or text him on 086-8813553.Club gear is now available to purchase from the O'Neill's website. Check out our page on the O'Neill's website to view our range of jerseys, shorts, socks, tops, jackets, skinnies, bags and much more. 15 percent of what you spend goes into a credit account with O'Neill's which the club will be able to redeem against new team jerseys and other such outgoings.
Last one standing
A lot of Last One Standing entrants who picked Donegal were left disappointed on Sunday while Armagh and Kildare were popular choices for many. As we head for week five of our competition sponsored by Liam Gallen of Mr G's there are now only 61 left standing.Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Ballyshannon Musical Society are proud to present Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a high-flying, fun-filled adventure for all the family. Based on the beloved 1968 film adaption of Ian Fleming's children's book and featuring an unforgettable score, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is one family-friendly blockbuster that audiences will find truly scrumptious. Filled with amazing stage spectacle, this is not to be missed. Ticket prices are as follows. Tuesday - €12; Wednesday - €15 / €12; Thursday - €15; Friday - €15; Saturday: Matinee - €12; Evening - €15. Call the box office on 9851375 to book your tickets.Abbey Centre Bingo
Congratulations to Mary Monaghan of Pettigo who become the latest bingo thousandaire taking home last week's €1,000 jackpot. The stand-up game prize of €160 was won by Ellen Maguire of Ballintra. Winners of the €150 houses included Kathleen Flanagan, Mary McGonigle and Caroline Walsh, with €100 house winners including Noelle Newell, Noleen O'Brien, Caitlin Tivnan, Deirdre Clarke and Jean Sheerin, whilst Avril O'Brien took home two houses. After last week's €800 snowball win, the snowball returns for spring this week starting at €200. Note that with the musical taking place at the Abbey Centre, this week's bingo will take place at Colà iste Cholmcille at the usual time of 9pm on Friday night.