Club Notes Archive - 2014

- 2 December
AGM Season
The Aodh Ruadh AGM takes place on Sunday 7th December at 3pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. All club members, and indeed anyone with an interest in Gaelic games and culture in Ballyshannon, are warmly invited to attend as we reflect on the year past and plan for 2015. The deadline for receipt of nominations and motions has passed.The Bord na nÓg AGM will be held on Tuesday, 2nd December at 8.30pm in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh. There are a number of vacant positions this year. Anyone interested in getting involved in coaching or on the committee please contact Shane Ward, Shane Toolan or Tracey Flood. Anyone with an interest in underage football is welcome to attend.
The Juvenile Hurling Committee held a well attended AGM on Thursday night. There was a full review of a reasonably successful 2014 and plans were put in place for 2015. The following positions were filled on the night. Chairman, John Rooney; Assistant Chairperson, Fionnula Gillespie; Secretary, Eddie Lynch; Assistant Secretary, Paul O'Sullivan. The following managerial appointments were made: Under 8, John Rooney; under 10, to be filled at January meeting; under 12, Denis Daly; under 14, to be filled at January meeting; under 16, John Rooney, Peter Horan and Mike Lynch; and minor, Peter Horan, John Rooney and Mike Lynch. If there is anyone interested in the under 10 and under 14 positions they are asked to contact John Rooney 086-2587793 or Eddie Lynch 087-7583171.
Aodh Ruadh face Saint Eunan's in Convoy this Saturday 6th December in the quarter-final of the under 21 championship. Needless to say, this is a big game for the club and we'd appreciate a big turnout of Ballyshannon support for this one.Hurling
Our seventh annual Juvenile Hurling Presentation night will take place this Saturday night in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 7pm. This year's guest is Antrim legend Sambo McNaughton. The former All-star is one of Ulster's greatest hurlers, he managed his home club Cushendall to this year's Antrim's county title. His views on hurling are widely respected and presently he sits on the Hurling Review Committee set up by GAA President Liam O'Neill. All are welcome to what promises to be a great night.Awards gala
The Annual Donegal GAA Awards night takes place in the Abbey Hotel Donegal Town on Saturday 6th December. Along with the Annual Club Awards there is the presentation of Ulster and All-Ireland runners-up medals in football and county hurling league medals. Tickets are available priced €40. Please contact any Aodh Ruadh committee member if interested in attending this function.Blue sky thinking for Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh Fund-raiser
Planning ahead for 2015 further funding will be required to do a number of things to complete the Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh Centre of Excellence Development Plan adopted by the Club in 2006. A workforce is in place to undertake all of the necessary works. The funding is required to purchase materials and so on. Amenity lighting is required to supplement the Training Pitch Floodlight Scheme which was funded and undertaken in 2012. Those involved in underage coaching have sought the provision of a toilet block at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh. Those involved in hurling wish to see the hurling rebound wall fully completed and floodlit. There is a lot of club and community interest in the new Fitness Trail which is nearing completion. Current provision has been made for the future floodlighting of this facility. Additional funds are required to achieve this. With a view to seeing all of these projects well advanced or completed during 2015 club members are asked to support the Skydive For Aodh Ruadh penciled in for April 2015. A minimum of 10 volunteers to 'take the jump' for the Club and to raise €1,000 each through their own fund-raising initiatives are required. The skydive will be professionally organised. So far five club members have come forward to participate. As the work at Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh is central to how the club's teams perform in all grades and codes a good joined-up club effort is sought on this one. A quick visit to Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh any day will demonstrate the positive and progressive impact that these small initiatives can have in providing the best by way of facilities and amenities for our players and wider community. Please participate by either signing up for the skydive or by working with a friend or club colleague to make their participation worthwhile. To move this forward make contact as soon as possible with Conal Gallagher 0862112812; David McLoone 0877760177; Michael Daly 0869171949 or Tom Daly 0872390410.Abbey Centre Bingo
The big bingo jackpot of €800 was won by Cassie Granaghan of Ballinacarrick. Bingo this Friday will be held at the Rock Hall, Ballyshannon due to the events organised at the Abbey Centre and Coláiste Cholmcille. The winter snowball continues to grow, now standing at €300 on 49 numbers or less.
- 9 December
There was a good turnout in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh on Sunday afternoon as Aodh Ruadh members assembled to reflect on the season past and plan for 2015. The following appointments were made during the election of officers. Patrons: Father Ó Fearraí and Monsignor Connolly; President: Owen Roe O'Neill; Chairperson: Diarmaid Keon; Vice Chair: Tom Daly; Secretary: Emma Gaughan; Assistant Secretary: Betty McIntyre; Treasurer: Catherine McKee; Assistant Treasurer: Sean O'Mahoney; PRO: John Hughes; Oifig na Gaeilge: Vacant; County Board Delegate: John Travers; Health & Wellbeing Officer: Gerard Ferguson; Child Protection Officer: John Travers; Director of Coaching: Vacant. Also elected to the committee were Mike Lynch, Eamonn McGrath Sr, Pat McGrath, John McGee, John Patton, Sylvester Maguire, John Keon, Terence McShea, Stephen Ward, Dinny Loughlin, Mick McGrath as well and the senior team representative and members of Park Committee and sub-committees. We thank all those who served during the season past for all their efforts on behalf of the club and wish all incoming office holders the very best for a productive and successful 2015.The following motions were debated and decided upon.
When the county is involved in an All-Ireland final club tickets will be allocated as follows.
- Current members of Cairde Aoidh Ruaidh - one ticket.
- If sufficient tickets are available fully paid up members at the cut off point for the issue if tickets from Croke Park - one ticket.
- Notwithstanding 1 and 2 above the club executive (Chair, secretary and treasurer) reserve the right to allocate tickets to applicants in exceptional circumstances and to have a draw for a limited number of tickets in respect of club members joining after the above mentioned cut off point.
Passed with amendmentsReduce membership by €10 per person.
Amendment made, but voted downThat in light of the ongoing absence of a hard copy of the club constitution, a sub-committee be delegated to draft a club constitution based on the GAA club constitution template, and augmented with such successful club AGM motions as we have written record of. The constitution to be presented and approved at the first appropriate monthly meeting of the club executive.
Ruled out of orderThat the AGM elect one only Club Assistant Secretary.
WithdrawnThat the AGM reduce the price of Club Membership for Year 2015 and review at Club AGM in Year 2015.
Proposed membership for 2015: Adult Playing member €50; Adult Non-Playing member €30; Youth Membership €20 and €10 according to current age structures.
WithdrawnThat a meeting of Club Committee is held every month of year except for month of AGM.
Fortune has once again eluded Aodh Ruadh in a big match. They trailed by 0-4 to 0-3 in their under 21 championship quarter-final against Saint Eunan's, but the Letterkenny goal had lead a charmed life as a number of chances for majors were denied. When Conor Patton's goal finally did arrive in the second half it was unfortunately too little too late as the Saint Eunan's ran out winner on a scoreline of 0-12 to 1-6. We have a full match report and pictures from the game up on
On Saturday last we had our annual Juvenile Hurling Presentation night, and in keeping with other years, this years guest was another legend of the hurling world the great Terence 'Sambo' McNaughton from Antrim. Sambo enjoyed a 17 year playing career with Antrim. He played in the All Ireland Final in 1989 and won an All-Star in 1991, he is widely regarded as one of Ulster's greatest ever hurlers. The regard in which he is held in the hurling world is shown by his inclusion on the Hurling Review Committee set up by President of the GAA Liam O'Neill last year. Juvenile Hurling Chairman John Rooney welcomed all to this year's event especially all the players and their families. He was delighted to welcome the great Sambo to Aodh Ruadh. He also welcomed Donegal Hurler Paul Sheridan to the event and congratulated him on being awarded Donegal Hurler of the year for 2014.
Sambo gave a great talk which young and old learned a lot from, he covered topics such as his difficulties as a child with a speech impediment and weight issues, how he overcame these difficulties to go on and become the greatest hurler he could. He spoke of the last line in his much acclaimed autobiography All Or Nothing which was, "No regrets." He advised all present to have no regrets, he said in his work in the pub business he hears plenty of bar room regret stories and advised the boys to give of their best in everything they do. He spoke of his love of hurling and of the great game it is, and he thanked the club for inviting him to our presentation night.
While we didn't win any county titles this year we had competed at all levels from under 8s to minors with varying degrees of success. All of our teams achievements were recognised on the night and all players up to under 14 were awarded certificates as a recognition of their efforts all year. Sambo presented the certificates to all and posed for photos with everyone. Special guests also on the night were Creevy National School who recently won the Cummann na mBunscoil county final defeating Tooban National School, and claiming the title for the first time in the school's history. Principal of the school Ms Aoibhinn Kelly along with teachers Geraldine Thomas, Carmel McGee and Paula Gibson were present and Ms Kelly proudly called her team forward to receive their medals from Sambo.
We then had a number of individual presentations, firstly to Declan Breslin, Nathan Owens Kelly, and Gavin McGarrigle recognising their participation with the Donegal under 12 development squad in the Activity Day in Croke Park, hopefully the first of many appearances for them on the hallowed turf. Senan Rooney received a presentation for playing in the INTO exhibition game at half time in the All-Ireland semi-final between Limerick and Kilkenny. Next to receive awards were our representatives on the county under 14 team Pauric Keenaghan, Aaron Peach and Liam O'Sullivan, three All Ireland medallists Stephen Anderson, Conall Sweeney and Paddy McCaffrey were next to be honoured, these three lads were on the Donegal under 15 squad who won the under 16 C All-Ireland title. We had three representatives on the Donegal under 16 squad Oisin Rooney (captain) Brendan Gillespie and Kieran Daly. Our next three award winners represented Ulster this year, Oisin Rooney and Brendan Gillespie were selected for the Ulster camp held in Jordanstown in July while Orlaith Gillespie was selected for the camogie camp also held in Jordanstown. Unfortunately Brendan was injured for the game against the Galway under 15s. Oisin made the team and scored two goals and was one of only three players outside of Antrim and Down who made the team. Orlaith is training away with the Ulster squad and hoped to make the team for a game against Dublin early in the new year, it was a great achievement by these three players to reach this standard. We had seven representatives on the Donegal minor squad who narrowly lost to Derry in the Ulster championship and lost after extra time to Roscommon in the All-Ireland B quarter-final, they were Eddie Lynch (captain) Ciaran Rami, Oisin Roper, Eugene Drummond, Oisin Rooney, Brendan Gillespie and Donal Sweeny.
The final presentation of the night was made by Club President Owen Roe O'Neill who presented Sambo with a memento of his visit to the club. There followed the usual great refreshments supplied by the parents where there was loads of food for everyone. Sambo then conducted a very open question and answer session with everyone and all got a great insight into his career, the difficulties keeping hurling alive in Ulster and many other issues.
On Sunday morning in poor conditions he conducted a very good training session for the under 16s and minors and from there he headed back to the Glens of Antrim, a very genuine man and a true GAA legend.
Thanks to Peter McIntyre of the Allingham Arms Hotel for his help with Sambo's visit, Peter's support is much appreciated. Thanks to Sean Cassidy who set up the TV in the Aras, thanks to Ronan Mathews for all his photography on the night and to John Hughes for his slide show, finally thanks to all who turned up on the night to meet this great character. You can see Ronan Mathews pictures from the night up on club extends our congratulations to Paul Sheridan on being named Donegal hurler of the year for 2014. Well deserved for all his efforts with club and county over the past few years. Paul received his award at the Annual Donegal GAA Awards in the Abbey Hotel last Saturday.
Date for your diary annual Juvenile Hurling table quiz will take place in Owen Roes on the 18th December a great nights craic with lots of raffle prizes is guaranteed.
Park / Development committee AGM
The AGM of the Park/Development Committee took place on Sunday in association with the Club AGM. Officers elected for 2015 were Chairman: Tom Daly; Vice Chairman: John Magee; Secretary: Conal Gallagher; Treasurer: David McLoone; Assistant Secretary and Facilities Booking: Peter Conlon; Bingo Treasurer (Joint): Cathal Gallagher and David McLoone; PRO: Michael Daly.
Comprehensive Reports were presented to the meeting on activity in 2014, and on planned works and activity in 2015. The reports presented were unanimously adopted including the statement of accounts. The comprehensive coaching initiative which involves 13 structured weekly coaching sessions in the six primary national schools in the club area, and the impressive development work programme undertaken in 2014 at both Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh and Father Tierney Park were highly commended.
In order to complete the Páirc Aoidh Ruaidh developments in 2015 a further five volunteers are needed for the April 2015 Skydive. If you are willing to take part please contact co-ordinator Conal Gallagher by this weekend. A briefing will be held with all 10 participants over the Christmas period to give them a good opportunity to commence their fund-raising.Bord na nÓg AGM
The Bord na nÓg AGM took place on Tuesday evening, 2nd December with a large attendance present in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh for proceedings. The following appointments were made. Chairman: Vacant; Secretary: Lisa McTernan; Under 6 management: Niall McCready; Under 8 management: Vacant; Under 10 management: Vacant; Under 12 management: Brian Roper; Under 14 and Under 13 management: Vacant; Under 16 management: Raymie Granaghan and Alan Sweeny; Minor management: Peter McKenna, David O'Donnell and Raymie Granaghan. We thanks outgoing officers for all their hard work over the past year and extended our best wishes to the in-coming officer holders for a successful 2015. If anyone is interested in any of the vacant positions, please contact a member of the committee. We would encourage parents in particular, to get involved in Bord na nÓg throughout the year either in the committee or by helping out with lotto, transport, laundry, refreshments, umpiring or in any small way they can.Abbey Centre Bingo
The bingo jackpot of €400 was won by Mary Kilfeather of Grange. There was no winner of the winter snowball which now stands at €325 on 50 numbers or less. Many thanks to the parish of Saint Joseph's for use of the Rock Hall last Friday night. Bingo this weekend returns to the Abbey Centre at 9pm, books costing €10 for a full book, €5 for a half.
- 16 December
A senior hurling meeting to review 2014 and plan for 2015 will take place on Thursday 18th December in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 8pm. Anyone interested in senior hurling in Ballyshannon is welcome to attend.Coláiste Cholmcille played Scoil Mhuire, Buncrana in their Ulster semi-final in Convoy last Thursday. On a terrible day for hurling, both teams produced a very competitive game. The Buncrana side's greater physicality and ability to deal with the conditions proved the difference between the teams as they ran out worthy winners 3-7 to 1-4.
The juvenile hurlers annual table quiz takes place this Thursday in Owen Roe's. Karl Duggan as usual will act as quiz master and the fun begins at 9.45pm. As always there will be lots of prizes in the raffle, a great night's craic is guaranteed, please support this event.
Congratulations to Terence McShea on being appointed Development Officer and Mick McGrath on being returned as Children's Officer at Donegal County Convention over the weekend.Home-Coming quiz
Please make some room in your festive diary for our Home-Coming Quiz on Sunday December 28th at 9pm in Dicey Reilly's. Funds go to support the work of Aodh Ruadh.Abbey Centre Bingo
The winner of last week's €400 was Mary Anne Horan. This Friday night will be the December big bingo with a €2,950 prize fund, including the €1,000 jackpot game and the game seven snowball, which now stands at €350 on 50 numbers or less. Books for big bingo are priced at €15 for full book, €8 for a half, or get your book and a half for €20. Christmas spot prizes included! See you there!
- 23 December
The Juvenile Hurlers held their annual table quiz last Thursday in Owen Roe's with eight tables taking part. Karl Duggan acted as quiz master and as usual a great night's fun and craic was had. Paddy Kelly led the winning team comprising of Mary Hoey, Pamela Zarb, Eleanor Rooney and Meabh Rooney to a hard fought victory. Thanks to Belleek Pottery who sponsored the winning prizes, as they do annually. Their support for this quiz is much appreciated. Many thanks to the following local businesses who donated prizes for the raffle: Abbey Garage, Pillbox Pharmacy, Mr G's, Sean Og's, Shannon's Corner, O'Neill's Sports, Rooney's Butcher, Star Bingo Bundoran, McGinley's Bar, William Doogan, Slevin's Department Store, Centra, Pearse O'Neill's and Diamond Deals. Their support is much appreciated and hopefully in the run up to Christmas these businesses will be supported. Thanks to all who supported the quiz taking part on the night, and those who were unable to attend but bought tickets for the raffle. Finally thanks to Karl Duggan who did a great job setting such an enjoyable and interesting quiz.We wish all a happy and peaceful Christmas and every good wish for 2015.
Home-Coming quiz
Once you have Christmas over you, why not come out for our Home-Coming Quiz on Sunday December 28th at 9pm in Dicey Reilly's. There will be a couple of audio-visual rounds as usual with funds go to support the work of Aodh Ruadh.Shop local
We encourage all club members to keep their trade local at this time of year. Local businesses are generous in their backing for the club, and without their support Aodh Ruadh would be much diminished.Drink sensibly
We have a leaflet produced by the Alcohol Forum on practical tips for making the most of the festive season on It's a time of year when alcohol misuse can cause much misery, so please take a moment to consider the points in this leaflet.Nollaig shona
Aodh Ruadh wishes all associated with the club and everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community a happy, peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.Abbey Centre Bingo
The winner of last week's €800 jackpot was Deirdre Clarke. Bingo returns as usual this Friday, St Stephen's Day, in the Abbey Centre. The winter snowball is still waiting to be won and now stands at €375 on 50 numbers or less. Books are priced at €10 for full book, €5 for a half. See you there!
- 30 December
There will be a meeting of the minor panel on Sunday 4th January in Aras Aoidh Ruaidh at 1pm to discuss the coming season. All panel members are asked to attend.Abbey Centre Bingo
The winner of last week's €400 jackpot was Margaret McCaffrey, Killeen. The winter snowball is still waiting to be won and now stands at €400 on 50 numbers or less. Bingo as usual this Friday in the Abbey Centre. Books are priced at €10 for full book, €5 for a half. See you there!Happy New Year
Aodh Ruadh wishes all associated with the club and everyone in the wider Ballyshannon community a happy and prosperous New Year.